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Don't Judge a Book By It's Cover!

Normally these blogs are all about the guests. But we're going to take a small trip to the local store called Aldis.

Two of my guests and I were doing our typical stuff... like shopping around for some quality off brand goods. When suddenly we see this 'gentleman' with an overflowin shopping cart of goods in his basket which included what seemed like two 60 rolls of toilet paper (slight exaggeration) on top of about 8 bags of potatoes and so on. He had AT LEAST two filled shopping cart worth of food.

Now normally, this would be no big deal. But I felt an urge that the store was about to experience a robbery since this 'gentleman' looked like he was in no position to purchase even a roll of bread.

Let me explain.

The 'gentleman's' attire was substantially worn, full of holes, tethered, thrown about, raggetty and not to mention, he just talked to himself the whole time. He appeared to have missed a dentist appointment since birth and his hair...well, it looked as if there were wild life growing within his 'never to have seen a comb' hair. He made the man in THIS picture look like an overpriced CEO of a Fortune 500! He looked worst than any homeless man I have ever seen. I actually felt an urge to give him a a couple of bucks.

After my guests and I turned the corner in the third isle, I didn't see the guy anymore. I thought perhaps he was a bit 'off' and just filled the basket and left. I stood in line at the checkout, constantly looking back to see where did this guy go.

The cashier loaded our basket with our paid goods and we went to the window to bag our groceries."I wondered where did that guy go?", I asked looking a Mississippi.

She whispered back but I didn't hear what she said. I assumed that she said that she didn't hear me. So I repeated it again, "I wonder where did that guy go?"

Again. The same thing. The third time, she said it louder but above a whisper, "he's RIGHT BEHIND ME!"

I looked behind her and there he was with his PAID groceries, still talking to himself!

That wasn't even the funny part!

What had us laughing hard (quietly) was, not only did he pay for it, but he was counting his change! Still not funny?

He had a WAD, a STACK of hundred dollar bills yall!!!! He wasn't counting $10s and $1 bills but $100 dollar bills! Benjamins and a thick stack of them!! He was STILL talking to himself. Even at one point, we all thought we should rob him! Imagine a homeless man getting robbed! Our next thought was, "dang, what does his car look like? An ESCALADE?"

For ALL of my blogs, visit GHETTOGIRLHILTON.COM !

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