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Canada Makes Sizable Donation to the Cause....SORTA!

The day was hot again, and I had already all my money scheduled out for my own personal sharks (or people I owe!). But really thinking….how can I get a good fan?!!

So an email with payment came in this morning...from...The Canadian….a LAST minute request for 3 days.

First thought….THANK GOD….FANS!

He asked if there was air conditioning and that he liked the reviews, etc. etc. So I told him the private room was a little hot and maybe he like the sofa sleeper. He accepted…and paid.

Guy comes, leaves his bags, talks to me and Malaysia for 20 minutes and heads for the movies. 11 p.m., Canadian returns and says, “he found his friend that he was looking for and says he’s not going to be staying. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I said, “oh I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you have a good trip”.

So with his bags in his hands, he didn’t really move. So I’m looking at him like ….what?

He continues, ‘you know the reason I booked online? I was looking for my friend but since he didn’t contact me. So I had to book”.

Thinking ‘OK?” So I replied, ‘ohhhhh….I understand.”

Still looking at him like….’what does that mean to me? You know the policy’ look…. he continued again, “I know I can’t get a refund” (…you dang skippy cause I just paid for a fan against that money)… “But can I get at least 2 days back in refund?”

I replied softly and in an undertone, “well you know…I registered for the policy of ‘moderate’ which means you have 5 days before today to make your refund. And since this was last minute, I can’t honestly give you back anything. “….

As he looked bewildered, I continued, “Airbnb will not refund your money and I haven’t received anything from airbnb since it takes a couple of days to process. But because of that, I usually pay expenses against existing payouts towards purchases needed for next week or bills.”

After all…this is Ghetto Girl BNB.

So he still stood there looking crazy.

I continued, “But because you’re not the first, what I usually do is offer credit to any day that you want to come back so that your money is not a total lost.”

He didn’t know what to say but could only reply (since Malaysia was watching)…”well …maybe we can work something out but my ride is waiting”.

And off he went.

So Chinese couple joined me and Malaysia in the living room and the ‘cold war’ was over. We were all a united front talking about the Canadian. After expressing how much he (chinaman) hated the science museum (and he's an engineer) but soooo glad he didn't have to pay for it.... he had me dying laughing! When Chinaman asked 'what happened with Canadian' and i said that he had left with his friend.

Thats when the Chinaman started making these shivering movements with his body saying, "‘he was just scared! You should have told him when he came to you with that ….’don’t you know we don’t have no refund here! You can’t pullup in the ghetto askin fo no money back…we got gun!”

We were dying!!!

Chinaman continued, “Don’t sound like he had found his friend….sounds more like he just found a new friend, offered to pay somebody else and thought he would get his money!”

I had to agree since earlier, Canadian said that he had been contacting a lot of people on airbnb and nobody had air conditioning. That’s why he choose me. He even emailed me stating that it was going to be 45 minutes before he got here…And when he arrived, he made no mention of trying to find a friend or anything like that. He was just happy to have a place for the next three nights. Even saying that this house was very nice and that he lived in worse. I was thinking, “dude…you from montreal…there is no worse area!”

It turned out that Chinaman lived in Baltimore Maryland when he first came to America where the neighborhood was all prostitute and drug selling on the street. He had to ask me, ‘I don’t see that here”. I said, ‘yeah…cause they went hi-tech!”

Afterwards, we three were in long discussions about different events. And when somebody recapped on the Canadian, the Chinaman remarked with regards to the Canadian, “thank you for your contribution to Annies Bnb!” I nearly fell out laughing.

Oh by the way…Everybody kept asking…'where did the Ethiopian go'….cause he never returned. I think he was perturbed since he couldn’t get the bunk bed. I had told him a girl was in the bunk bed and since he didn’t pay online, then the couch or sofa sleeper was available. I didn't want to have a shared room with a guy and a girl stranger.'

His reply, "i understand….so that mean I cant get the bunk bed? Really looking for the bunk bed!”

That morning I had left to run to aldis for some fresh squeezed orange juice for the guest. When i came back, everyone said he had left.

Malaysia said, ‘but before he left, he kept asking me, ‘so you the one that took the bunk bed?”

He actually crept everybody out! LOL But he never returned…..But his $12 stayed with me forever…or till the next day! LOL

The night ended with constant conversation till the last moments. As I was trying to remember some pottery places for the Chinaman to go since they wanted some unique things for their house, he said, 'Annie...we went to Crate and barrel and i didn't like the items. Everything is mass produced. There were a lot of things made in America..."

My reply was, 'Ok...I always wanted to say this....but dont that make it unique since everything is usually made in CHINA?" They couldn't stop laughing.

The last words of the night, after laughing for over 2 hours was that Chinaman said that his wife was a good writer and that she's going to write about their journey. I said, 'well shouldn't you be writing now to keep the details fresh?' Her remarks were... Believe me, I will never forget this!

And neither will I.

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