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Morehouse College in the hood!

My new young lad arrived late last night by airport express. Since there was a carnival down the street, the driver had to use a different route to come to the house....the LESS SCENIC route! hehehe Upon arriving, a frightened young stocky guy asked, 'are you annie?"

"yes I am...I've been waiting for you"...

He was like, "thank god!"

So after collecting his bags, the driver looked at him like, 'good luck', brought the bags up and drove away. I introduced him to Chinaman and Malasia....and after settling in, checking his email, he retired to his room. I could see the hesitation on his face since every answer to my question was guarded. But it was late and Chinaman and his wife were leaving the next morning. So this was going to be short night.

The next morning, after saying goodbyes and getting my 'porchlight confessions' from the chinaman, i started to get ready for the meeting. Leaving a note under Morehouse's door. I came back and the boy was still sleep. He didn't come out until about 4 in the afternoon. Knowing he was hungry, i made him a grilled hotdog. .....(none out of the microwave fausto!)

That seemed to do the trick. We had some conversation and more questions on his part. Then he went back to bed....until about 9pm. These young folks are just plain tuckered out!

Around 10:30 p.m., he comes out of his cocoon and said, 'i want to thoroughly thank you for making me feel at home. I have to apologize. I misjudged the place before i even came in."

I told him, 'I want you to say those same words on the video!"

Then he continued, "I was terrified especially when the driver kept saying, 'man you are in the hood for real!'"

I said, 'this is not the worst part of chicago." At which he agreed.

But then he started to go further, talking about different matters and expressing his gratitude for making him feel at home, he ask about how much would I charge for weekly rates because 'i have a lot of friends at Morehouse who need accommodations here. You made me feel so at home here and the area is not that bad that I know they would love it too."

So i told him, 'dude....that bunk bed is already cheap so i don't do weekly rates for that, but i do them for the other rooms".

He didn't know how much since the reservation was done by somebody else. Once he found out he was like, really! hhehehe I think i'm going to be the it girl for Morehouse College! LOL

So now the baby is in his bed, sound asleep and dreaming of his new life in Chicago!

Another happy customer!

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