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California Rushed to Rush Hospital!

California sent to Rush Hospital straight from Greyhound!

Could grandma be rolling in her grave?

California was scheduled at to arrive at Greyhound at 2:30 p.m.

2:10 p.m. The phone rings…

“Hello Annie?” The raspy voice spoke out.

“Hello Cali? How are you? You sound very tired…I can barely here you?”

“Annie, I just arrived and we’re pulling into the station. Do you know if there is a hospital to go to?”

“Huh? You’re sick?” I replied.

"Yeah...really bad" "Does it feel like the flu?"

“Yes...something like that. I went to the bathroom and am crapping blood!” he responded as if he was having a hard time breathing.

“Do you have insurance?” I asked.

“No, I don’t know actually….”

“Then you should go to Greyhound assistant and ask them to take you to Cook County or call 911 for emergency. But find out if you have insurance and check to see if you can get another hospital!”

An hour later he text me that he’s at Rush Hospital waiting to see a doctor! I had told him to text me if he gets admitted and I’ll come see him tomorrow (after I check in Italy).

I think this one was real. His first time in Chicago and he’s at Rush hospital!


Morehouse friend arrived and somebody help me…

I should have known something was different about Morehouse. When I met him, I couldn’t help but notice that that boy’s eyes are perfectly arched. And when he was telling me that night about how much he appreciated me and he put his hand over his heart….that should have raised an eyebrow…. Then 10 p.m I heard ‘halleluiah’ for an hour followed by the Cooking Channel.

Jackie always said I was gaydar blind. Maybe I am. But my eyes were wide open when he did the unthinkable!

Morehouse asked me if I had a DVD. I said yeah…thinking the movie the movies was going to be something spectacular.

With big bold arch eyes looking at me and suddenly with a swaggered, I turned around like a haze in a foggy tunnel with a sense that something is just not right. I turned towards the DVD player slowly to put the plugs into the sockets…. when I heard these words,

“Annie, do you want to watch with us “The Devil Wears Prada? It’s my favorite movie! I watched it 6 times!”

Without looking back, my eyes rolled in my head! Didn’t I just have this conversation about sappy movies???

I said, “ You know what I watched 6 times? Aliens, Jurassic Park, Predator….and none of them wears Prada!”

We all laughed. His friend said something to Morehouse and from the corner of my eyes, I saw him kick his legs in fetal position with his hands swaggering as if he was swapping flies while uttering a high pitch voice. “I do nooooottttttt”.

I have never been soo happy that they purchased bunk beds!

So right now, there are two husky men watching Devil wears Prada and two girls in living room ….and a Malaysian girl at 23 years old whispering to me and begging to go to bed,

‘Annie…I’m sleepy. I want to read a book and go to sleep’.

I told her NO. In fact, I grounded her from reading another book until her trip was over or she stay out past her 7p.m. bedtime….watch TV ….or go outside and play with the gangs on block!

What is WRONG WITH THESE YOUNG FOLKS!!!! Could this be grandma’s curse!

Ancient Chinese Secret – Oops…. Malaysian Secret!

Somebody asked Malaysia as to how far is to the train station your host house?

Her reply, “Well they say it’s a 5 minute walk. BUTTT when you really think about it …it’s a one-minute to the train. Basically you’re running the whole time out of fear to the train that you forgot to walk!”

Its 6 p.m. and three young folks are in the house. Malaysia is on the Internet job searching for jobs in mechanical engineering…searching for something in the field of peanuts. Why? Her reasoning is that most people especially Americans have allergic reaction to peanuts and that reduces her competition in the job search by 1/2! LOL

What the crap!!!????

The boys movie is over and they are watching ‘Atlanta Housewives!!!!” AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

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