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Nurse Betty got nothing on Nurse Annie….

I’m starting to believe that there is a pattern developing per each group that comes thru Annie’s AirBNB. This week seems to be setting itself up as a nursing station.

Not knowing if Cali would make it here ….and after hijacking Constance ‘serious’ conversation with regards to illness….in one night, illness overtook my casa!

Morehouse, with his nicely arched eyes, pleaded with me to find a needle to bust a blister. Assuming that the blister would be an incidental mole probably situated between his extra large big toe, I searched and search for a needle…literally in a haystack.

He sat in the living room playing with fire for a few minutes to burn a needle for which I’m thinking….'careful, careful!'

He looked up at me and said, "Annie…I can’t do it!”

I could barely look at what he was trying to do from a distance, feeling all squeamish.

So I said, “ok…let me see it…Nurse Annie will pop it. Where is it?”

OMYLANTA!!! The blister was the size of the heel of his foot! “What in the world were you wearing?”, I asked.

“New shoes!”, he replied. “Forgot to break them in did we?” I replied.

Alright….at this point, I had took a moment of reflection. Looking back at all the Alien and Predator movies that served me well. Breathing in, I thought to myself, "I could do this!"

So I looked at him and said, “YOU READY SON!?!? SCAPLE!”

With a crazy look in his eye, he handed me the long needle with the ball ending and I lit that trucker with every force of the flamethrower (or $1.99 fire starter with safety guard!).

After sterilizing the needle in fire resistant acid (3% peroxide), I looked up and said, “close your eyes son….this is gonna hurt!” And so he did.

Within seconds I heard a lite scream followed by “that’s enough’! I replied, "ok big baby".

At that point, I began to press firmly against the massive intrusion protruding like a mountain from his skin until I saw lava oozing from the top of the canyon! Careful not to splatter none to my eyes, i changed my glasses for more coverage of my face.

Dosing the infection with alcohol and handing him the bandages, I simply remarked, ‘I think we’re done son….dress the womb and call me in the morning!”

Upon getting up from the floor from such extensive surgery, I get a phone call…from none other than Cali. He’s been released from Rush…to a place where the uninsured lay to rest (for SLEEP!!).....ANNIES BNB. He was on his way. When he called from the 63rd & Racine, and I saw a shadow of a thin man, almost the width of the street lamp post. I began to wave him in for landing. A tall thin wounded warrior who fought the battle of fatigue, deprivation and suffering came to seek shelter at our make shift triage center...Ghetto GIrl's Triage Unit (a subsidiary of Annie's AirBNB).

The six feet tall young lad, although he had reserved floor space on the air mattress, seemed to me to have more extensive injuries...looking a bit unstable and shaky. I had only imagined that if he became unconscious during the night, there was no way i would be able to move his body to another location. So I transferred him to intensive care…the couch.

There was a saying mom would say in the event of a demise. Plant the body on the city curb so that the city can pick up the tab. Funny....i was thinking about that when he couldn't remember if he had insurance. Just a thought! Oh how the words of mother's wisdom comes back to you in time of crisis!

After the settling in and fixing him something to eat…this warrior began to show signs of fatigue at which we ended the formalities.

After prompting two pillows behind his head, I asked, ‘Would you like a diaper?”

At which he laughed and said, “I think I’m good.”

I don’t understand why he was laughing….since I was serious! We are, after all, short on supplies and do not carry insurance on my furniture.

He then complained of experiencing abdominal pains, and began to sink into what seemed to be a double blanket. The situation seemed to be very serious.

Thats when I began to ask a couple of pertinent questions.

“Are you allergic to anything?”

“No”, he replied.

“Is there someone I can call in case of emergency?” Again, he laughed. But as he looked at me, his disposition changed to reflect my seriousness at which I continued, “like your parents number?”

He then said, “yeah you may be right." He gave me his father's number.

After I tucked him in, he then asked, “Annie, are you going to be here tomorrow?”

I said, “yes son, Nurse Annie Is not going anywhere. Plus I have to check someone in from Italy.” He laughed. “Do you mind if I stay a couple of days extra?”

I said, “you’re not going anywhere…” (not until I get that last ticket paid!) hehehe No seriously….hehe. Looks like the only skyline that he’s going to be seeing for the next couple of days is ‘White Rim Canyon” - it lies in the shadows of a porcelain bowl.

So for now, I’ll be on call for the next 24 hours.

Nurse Annie out!

Oh by the way, Turkey is coming home for two more nights. Don’t know necessarily where to put him but Nurse Annie will find room in the triage unit! or near 'White Rim Canyon!"

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