Marijuana Anybody?!?
The information you are about to read may contain strong language. The images set forth are not to be viewed by those who hold the topic above in high esteem. Please turn off your computers and wait for the next blog…for the images in this blog are disturbing.
Cali was still sick. I went to Walgreen the other morning to fill Cali’s prescription. I never felt so bad for somebody then this guy. I think the most he ate today is 10 crackers, a half of apple and some water.
After slight improvement, he had informed me that his father bought him a ticket to come home and he will be leaving today. I told him when he gets better he can just come back. (but NO REFUND!) . We talked for a while thru bathroom breaks but for some reason, I’m happy that’s he’s going home. I didn’t mind if he stayed…in fact, I don’t think he should be travelling period. I offered to come with him just so he don’t pass out on the street until I remembered that I had two more coming today. So I decided to walk him to the bus/train. Poor thing…
Early this morning, I hear Cali making his less than usual trips to the bathroom. The medicine seems to be working. So he said that he was leaving in a half hour. I had JUST woke up and he was fully dressed. So I said, I’ll walk with you. So as I was rubbing the debree from my eyes, he began to have a serious tone in his voice as to inquire something of a serious nature….
“Annie, I have something to ask you but I don’t know how to say this,” he began.
Thinking that he was going to say he want his refund for the days he was not going to use, I was beginning to brace myself for that awkward conversation. But he continued….
“Annie”, he asked in a soft low laid back but stern tone, “I have this medicinal marijuana in my bag and I don’t think I can take it to the airport. Would you like to have it?”
Did he say what I thought he said? He got marijuana in my house????
WHAT THE BAHEJEES???? He didn’t think he could take it to the airport.?!?! How about you don’t think you can bring it here!!!! Did he not see the MOUND of JW magazines on the bookcase to maybe perhaps think I JUST MIGHT NOT SMOKE!??? I couldn’t believe it. I instantly stop rubbing my eyes. All sorts of images were going thru my mind like the cops followed him here and they bust thru my doors hauling my behind out of here while the cameras are flashing with no teeth in my mouth!
So calmly I replied, ‘HUH?”
He continued, “I take marijuana as medicine and I can’t take it with me to the airport and I thought you would like it.” NO DUH!
Still in shock that I got marijuana IN THE HOUSE, I said, “dude, I’m a Jehovah’s witness…I don’t even smoke a cigarette.”
Without flinching or saying 'ohhhhhh' like most reactions, he simply responded in a casual way, “well do you know somebody that takes marijuana?”
Are you freakin kidding me?!? Am I being punked?!?
From that point on, everytime a cop passed by, my hair stood on ends. I got Marijuana in the house!
So I calmly replied, “Dude, I don’t even have friends that smoke. You’re going to just have to throw it out.”
From the look on his face when I said that, you would have thought I said to him ‘you’re going to have to cut off your right arm with this butter knife.’ The reaction in his face was priceless. The disbelief of actually throwing away his dope was just unheard of.
“But I have 2 grams left…its not much,” he replied. This is a joke?! Cameras are going to come in here any minute with Ashton Kucher on the other end. For the record, the amount of pot he had was a haze to me. I heard 2 but can’t remember if he said grams, pounds, ounces….I was still in shock.
So I said, “I don’t know what to tell you.”
After he explained to me that it was inhaled it thru something something, I honestly got the feeling he really thought I would benefit from from taking his weed. I didn’t know to be flattered or insulted. After all, he was giving it to me for free! So as I politely turned him down AGAIN, he quietly went about his business in packing and spoke nothing more of it.
So as we were finishing up and he put the backpack on his thin body, I asked, “So what did you do with the marijuana?” still in disbelief even to utter the words!
“I threw it in the garbage” he replied looking like a sad puppy.
“Never thought you would be doing that in your life did you?” I asked.
With a big laugh, he said, “actually no….never ever thought I throw it in the garbage”. And he couldn’t stop laughing. Malaysia said that was him crying on the inside.
So when I came home, I told a few people what had happened and those who used to smoke it was in hysterics about the whole situation. I wont say no names!
So what I ended up doing was this….
(DISCLAIMER: USERS OF POT…please go to the other room….this is going to hurt a bit and may cause blindness).
I couldn’t bear throwing it out in backyard garbage for some poor sap to find it and think this is a drug house. So I took it out of the garbage, created a video clip of the item and had a video ceremony of me flushing it down the toilet.
I always wanted to do that….like in the movies…running from the cops and throwing the stash in “White Rim Canyon! (the toilet).” Felt fantastic!
I know this is the hood and some people are going to have their own ideas of what goes on around these parts. But I ain’t no hood rat! This is Ghetto Girl – LIVIN IN THE HOOD….NOT SMOKIN IN THE HOOD!
Sorry folks….for you lovers of brown grass (blueberry flavor)….I feel your pain. NOT!
What a strange day it was.