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Are you kidding me…What the heck is going on?!?! First Marijuana…now loose square??? Could I be exposing these kids to ‘elements’ of which their curiosity can’t handle?

“Annie….What’s a loose square?”

What the?!? What have these kids picked up off the street! As if they were young children picking up bad language from watching an unrated TV show, I asked, “Where did you hear that from?”

“Somebody on the street asked me if I had a square?” Turkey replied…and yes…Turkey has returned home for two more nights.

“So what did you think he was asking?” I asked.

“Well, first he asked me if I had 25 cents. I told him I didn’t have any change. But then he asked if I had a loose square. So I assumed that he was asking for a $1. Assuming that 25 cents was equivalent to a quarter of a square or $1, then the $1 should be the actual square. I just didn’t understand why it would be loose.”

Talk about rolling on the floor laughing. I didn’t know if it was the serious nature of his asking about the ‘loose square’ or his logic in deducting the value of the ‘square’.

After I was able to collect myself from laughter. I felt like a school teacher, with Malaysia and Turkey intently waiting for my response.

“Well kids, I only know this because I was just recently found out myself. A loose square is a cigarette. Its actually one cigarette from a box sold for about 50 cents per cigarette. It’s a commodity in maintaining the lifestyle of a smoker without buying the whole pack.”

“ohhhhhhhh really?????? Why would it be called blue?” they asked laughingly.

I said, “well I don’t have all the answers. After all, I just moved to this area myself not to long ago. So the next time somebody come up to you for anything, you just say ‘you don’t speak any English’, smile and say thank you.”

Tonight we have new guest…Boston and St. Louis couple. I think this is going to be interesting! And how do I say this mildly…something crazy just walked in….stay tune.

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