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Wind Beneath My Boobs!

Girls Night!

Can you feel that? That breeze of freedom...the wind beneath my boobs! Why is this a great feeling? Ever since I’ve started doing this bnb, I’ve been wearing my bra to bed, except for the time that I ACCIDENTLY left it on the bathroom and my male guest saw it! SORRY!!!

Anyway, something odd had happened. The MEN were leaving!

The two Morehouse guys just told me that the owner released the keys to them early. They are leaving a day early. When they told me that they got a nice 2 bedroom apartment for $700, I asked ….whats wrong with the place? They saw it on the internet and the street view and said that it was really nice. So I said again, ‘whats wrong with the apartment’.

The other Morehouse guy said that ‘we’ (as a people) are to skeptical about being people who are nice.

Good lord…here we go…’we the people’ speech! if WE did something wrong!

There are some nice 'other' people in the world who are not doing things for money. There are still places where you can keep you door open. I told him never to speak that way in public. I said, ‘you keep talking like that and somebody is bound to hear you and they will follow you home and rob you. Heck…I want to rob you right now!”

For over an hour he tried to make me see the error of 'our' ways as a people. After much debate, I looked at him one last time…whats wrong with the apartment? I said, anytime you get a semi-furnished apartment, in Chicago for $700 in a ‘nice area’ you haven’t even seen and the keys …without be prorated…something is wrong with this picture. Its not skepticism…its experience.

Laughingly, the conversation ended in me sounding like an owl when he started talking about his city’s sports accomplishments….’who who who who”…. So after going thru my non refund policy with the boys for their early departure, I told them, "well i have good news and i have bad news. The bad news is, there is no refund. The good news is, in case of eviction, you have a place to go for your last night credit!"

So the day when Cali left, the OWNER of the Morehouse’s new apartment came, here, in ENGLEWOOD and picked them up. I still say something ain’t right! Who does that!?!? But only time will tell. Within a blink of an eye, Morehouse boys were packing the last bag in the car, Loyola (new girl) was JUST walking into the house AND the little lost Korean girl who booked by osmosis, who sought the help of our friendly cops, was waiting at the corner looking at her phone for the address….while everybody, including the Morehouse landlord, was trying to wave her in to come further down the street.

All boys were gone and for the first time, the house was all girls. Instantly Malaysia took to the Loyola (from San Diego) and Korea girl and even took Loyola to Aldi’s food down the street. While they were at the store, Korea played the piano beautifully! I'm going to do some video on her soon. After finding out about her ordeal in trying to find my place WITHOUT AN ADDRESS, she asked if there was something she could eat. I said sandwiches but decided to make French fries and fried hot dogs! LOL The girls came back and it was very festive. Korea took many photos of the food and expressed her deep appreciation. After a longggg day, that old ritual of unbuckling that bra was euthoric.

As Bette Mitler/midler/ somebody use to sing that old Hebrew song….’the wind beneath my wings…' .ahhhhhh Heaven....breathe girls breathe...for tomorrow you shall be made hidden....

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