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Bring me your Sick, The Blind, and the Lame???

Should I feel bad? After Constance (or affectionately known as Mrs. Glass) last angry rant about me being insensitive to people who don’t look sick, maybe I was hard on St. Louis. Why do I say this?

While I was washing dishes and he was expressing how he enjoyed his stay, all the time looking away from me like a two year old kid staring at the floor and swinging his leg back and forth, he asked, ‘I know I ask a lot of questions, but do you think that I was a good guest that you would have back?’

WHYYYYYYY!!!! For the first time, it seemed he had some shame of being as he was...perhaps some humility. Maybe he had some kind of O.C.D or A.D.D. I can't quite say that I had a good track record with someone with that since I had a family member with the same condition that i tried to run over with my car and another friend I want to put under a bus. Perhaps this is my weakness and I need to learn from it and try to deal??? Either way, It was difficult to respond especially when I didn't get any eye contact. My cold unbleeding heart felt a pulse and in an instant, without me even realizing it, I said, ‘sure you can’. DAG NAPPPIT!!!!

See constance, I am not an ulger.

So off he went with his girlfriend but not before they did my 'Porchlight Confessions' video clips.

Other guest updates:

People are coming in so fast, it’s hard to catch up…Here at Annie’s Fantasy Island, dreams do come true…


I didn’t speak much about Boston (an African American/Spanish/Indian/something/ something). If I was to look at him for one definite feature…can’t find it. He was super nice and got along with all the others as if he was a brother of everybody. For a minute I sounded like a resume!

It was funny tho that Boston reminded me completely of Patrick (my brother) looks and with that charismatic bullshooter thing going. Almost eery. I told him that I had an urge to slap him sometimes! The ‘countries’ went out together and at times he got stuck with Korea upon return from their 'outings'. They had this love hate relationship like a brother and sister. One day, they came home from millennium park together and somebody said that Korea told Boston, ‘you’re not cute, get out of the picture’. Let Boston tell the story, he would say he tried to sell korea but couldn’t get the asking price!

Oh what love in the air!

But Ezekial (my Aunt Clara) got him! He came home in the afternoon one day and Ezekial asked him a question. The rest was history. I got to admit, when Ezekial speaks, you listen. You really never know where the conversation is going to land but when it does, it's on point. It’s like listening to one of the Indian chiefs only dressed in all matchy clothes given by everybody and anybody….which happens to match perfectly together! You can see the direction she would take with the conversation, but just as quick as you think you know where she is heading…she make a b-line and land the conversation on a bulls-eye from another angle. I think they must have talked for close to an hour. Never did he seem ‘peturd’.

In his search for an apartment, one of the searches may have resulted him in an apartment plus a job by the landlord! The landlord liked him so much that even tho he told him he could not come up with the difference by the time he got back, the landlord offered him the apartment anyway and wanted to discuss a job connection for him as well, while he attends DePaul in September. Only on Annie’s Fantasy Island. Between him, the Morehouse kids getting picked up by their landlord with furnished apartment and cheap rent….and Malaysia…(see next)…I think I’m going to up my fantasy a little more. You hear that FF?


Malaysia’s been hard on herself for over a week about getting a job as an engineer since her papers would be up by the end of the month. But today she has seemingly landed two engineering positions! Both seemingly willing to work around the other companies schedule. Both large corporations. She even beat an interviewee of someone who had 5 years experience as opposed to her two years.


Left for New York to start work/observation.


Left for New York to visit friends.


British are coming AGAIN! Only this one seems to be different….

Yes…Britian is back in the house….for a month. Without his glasses, I was thinking…transient old man going thru one town to another.


With his glasses and thick british accent, he seems studious ol chap! Already he has taken to the neighborhood. He loves reading in the park across the street while hearing the ‘happy sounds’ of the neighborhood (his words) and his daily jogs in the park…by golly I’m perturd! LOL Sometimes he seems sooo serious and then he does these weird dances when I tell him, ‘ok you’ll be on the bunk bed tonight’….cause he’s on the ‘Standbye My Bed’ plan! If you haven’t heard, I offer a standby my bed plan for people who stay 30 days and can’t afford the daily rate of the private room or sofa sleeper. If a bed or couch becomes available for that night, they get the bed at no upgrade price! Don’t laugh….I got two clients! Otherwise, they sleep on the air mattress!

This will be interesting.. Good or bad, I’m liking these crazy brits! Might even take up a bit of tea.

And Finally……

I was on my way to my meeting and didn’t realize I didn’t have enough to get there since the Currency Exchange office to pick up a bus pass was closed and I had four students coming that night. So I went back home and answered two emails from airbnb for a same day request....tonight for four nights. The first request, I accepted and the other, I replied ‘full’ since one of the current guest had three of her friends coming for one night. They were going to come and drop their bags and head back out. I heard that before.

Within two hours of their reservation, the doorbell rang. A cross-eyed man (one up and one side) looking at me at the door saying, ‘Annie?” Not knowing which eye to look at I just looked at his chest and said, yes I am. Both from Australia.

HEY for those who think I’m insensitive…I CAN TALK…I’m cross eyed too!

So anyway!....i looked down…he’s got a blind man stick! Oh mannnn!

I looked behind him and this realllllly thin women is trying to bring up these heavy suitcases that they brought from the bus! So I helped them in and got them situated. After giving them something to eat, they slept for about four hours. After they awoke, they walked to Aldis Food store, 10 blocks away, returning at sundown! This should be interesting!

So far, I had the Sick, the Blind….and can I call St. Louis …the Lame? My bag….lame is something else! LOL

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