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France called and stated he was on the 44 bus. This was France first time in the states ever. I thought he misquote since he was coming from O’hare. But sure enough he did. He arrived by taking the extremely LONG way from Ohare. When he arrived he was so excited. He said that EVERYBODY on the bus, not just the bus driver were so nice to assisting him to my address. The people on the bus were openly asking him if he was lost and where he was coming from and were very helpful the whole way. He said, ‘I’m going to to Annie’s!

Even the other guest stated that its true...that the neighbors and people are so friendly to them. So much so that when they came off the bus, they were walking towards the house and started to turn back because they thought they had the wrong address. But then they would hear people from their porches saying, 'hey you! You’re going the wrong way’! The house you want is the other way!’ while pointing towards the middle of the block.

So when France arrived, he had some questions as to how he could get to IIT and such. After going over the basics and then some, he wanted to get something to eat and stated that he was very sleepy because of jet leg. After giving him directions to the CORNER hotdog place, he set out for some ‘fast food’ to pick up something to eat and save for tomorrow. I told him that anything made in less than 10 minutes shouldn’t be saved for the next day and to just buy something the next day.

Ten minutes later….

The doorbell rang and a heavily armed cop with a bullet proof vest was at the door and was struggling to get out of the squad car (SUV). Louisiana couple arrived right after him and California had just walked in.

Frenchee seemed a bit shaken but I don't know if it was part excitement or fear. There was a lot going on in his facial expression that i could help but laugh. So Frenchee kept saying, 'i'm sorry annie, I'm sorry!' before anything was explained.

‘Are you Annie?’ asked the short stubby cop I will call Starsky.

Looking at France, I said, ‘What happened!? And yes I’m annie.’

French and Louisiana was standing on the porch while the cop was trying to interrogate me.

“Do you know these folks? “ he asked.

“Yes I do,” I said,”these are my friends and I rent out my rooms thru a service called airbnb.”

“Do you have an operating license to run a business?” he asked with every question more direct and less than tempered then the last.

“Actually I do!” I replied. He didn’t see that coming.

“So you have a license to run a bnb out of your home?” he replied.

“What exactly is the problem officer? I rent rooms out of my home from airbnb just the same as 1000 other Chicagoans in the loop and hyde park area. So you’re saying that we all need a license?” I asked.

“Maame, I don’t mind you making some money, but you know that this is the most dangerous neighborhood in the City of Chicago. Your friend was walking down the street going in his bag and pulling out his elecrtronic that can make him a target to get robbed. Why are you having 'these' people come to this neighborhood? You’re putting their lives in danger!”

I couldn’t believe it. Suddenly Attorney Sybil was pouring thru her mind court cases presented on Judge Judy with regards to her civil rights! Bring it Starsky!

“Dangerous?! This is not the most dangerous neightborhood in Chicago.” I replied.

“How long have you been here?” he asked

“All my life and I know this is not the most dangerous area. If anything this is the quietest block. I lived throughout the city and the west side is by far the most dangerous.” I replied.

“Maame I want to talk to you privately.”

At that point France apologized some more but I told him not to worry and opened the door for them to go inside while me and Officer Starsky hash this out!

Once the screen was closed, then Starsky started to go at it, panting back and forth around me but not having much on eye contact after I brought up the fact that I been around. This ain’t my first rodeo Leroy! I'm always in the market for a good lawsuit. Momma need to get paid! When we had debate about this area and ‘these people' being here, I didn’t know if to get offended or think…well if that’s what it take to get protection around here then so be it!

He continued, “You are risking their lives by having them here! I’ve been working these streets and this is by far the most dangerous area and you shouldn’t be risking their lives like this! Why do you have this guy believing that he’s only 15 minutes from IIT?”

“Because he IS 15 minutes away! I pass there every time! And as far as risking their lives? What about my life? Or the neighbors for that matter? Their lives wouldn’t be risked if you were doing your job to protect every resident, not just the white ones,” I remarked rather loudly.

“It’s not about color mamme, they just stand out when they walk the streets alone!” he responded.


“You mean the ‘whites’ walking the streets! It isn’t about color?” I replied. I started to feel myself getting louder

and had to bring it down a notch. The cop didn’t know what to do because he was pacing even more trying to tell me this ain’t about color. While he was pacing, my arms were locked in fold mode as I starred him down like the little man he was.

So I continued, “Look Starsky, I understand your point but I’m trying not to take offense at your comment about ‘their’ safety as opposed to ours. If I felt it was that dangerous, I wouldn’t be here! I wouldn’t have my family visit here. I would have NEVER posted the ad. I know where the dangerous areas are and I post that information on the ad about this area. But if you felt it was that dangerous then why would you (or your people) place a $10 million college in this area attracting other visitors. Are you putting their lives in danger? What are you telling the community about building in this area? It’s safe (as long as the students are black)?? I understand your ‘concern’ because they are white but you need to do your job and protect them as well as myself and others. “

The whole time, still pacing, he couldn’t look me in the eye, even when he was talking.

“You have the information on your ad? About the area?” , he asked with a softer tone. Then he peeked up from the corner of his eyes awaiting for my answer.

“Yes I do. If you like to see it I can show you. But nobody is ignorant about the area. If you’re talking about shutting me down then you’re going to fight a whole barrage of airbnb folks who do the same thing from their house." I said.

“Sooo what is this airbnb? It’s a bed and breakfast?” he asked.

His contenance started to lower even more and he started to talk about his trips when he used a bed and breakfast. I told him it’s a bit different from that because you’re staying in people’s home. He then began to repeat some of his concerns earlier but less dramatic in tone.

So I said in a calmer and frlendlier voice, ‘listen, I’m a Jehovah’s Witness. There is no one that I would jeopardize their lives. I do feel that this may be a questionable area but it’s not as dangerous as you’re making it appear to be. All of Chicago is dangerous. I had friends in hyde park mugged and robbed. I lived all over the city. But you are right….I will let them (frenchee) know how to use more discretion when pulling out items from his backpack. Don’t want him to be followed by anyone anywhere in the city.”

The funny thing was I thought he even mentioned he had a room in his house as well!

Finally, he responded in kind saying, “Yes please do that, especially those that are alone. Now that I know what’s going on, we’ll be looking out for your guest and check up on you from time to time.” Waving back at me, I yelled at him below, by the way, what’s your name?” I asked.

“Officer Starsky!” he replied with a smile while heading over to another police car that pulled up besides his.

After a half hour, the discussion ended in kind. I never felt so safe than to know that the whole police force is behind you! Serving as taxis to my guest and offering their ‘services’ to assist. I put the ‘P’ back into PROTECT!

Now to go inside to talk about the daily activities of white folks being racially profiled! This should be fun!

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