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A friend of mines..well more like old acquaintence....picked me up tonight to pick up my car from another friend so I could make errands tomorrow. She's a Witness. For those who know...Maurice Moore's wife. My old hangin buddy.

So we were talking and she asked me if the police were still giving me problems with my bnb.

I said, "well they still give the guest the 'scared straight' speech but something happened the other day that when they bought the two russian girls home. This was the first time they didn't come up to my door to read me the riot act'.

So she said, "well i was talking to my brother and asked him if I was doing anything wrong or needed a license for what I'm doing."

I was thinking her brother is an attorney of some sort.

So before she could finish it, her brother replied, 'the airbnb girl in englewood?? Thats your friend?!! We were just watching that video the other day and was laughing!"

I was like, "what? your brother saw it? " still thinking that it was an attorney.

So she said, "yeah, he said that he was on vacation when the incident had happened...taking a furlough day."

At at this point I'm like 'okkkk?'

But this is when my lips hit the floor!

She then said, "you know my brother is a police captain?" I was like WHATTTT???? At this point, I'm thinking she's talking about a captain in some station near her.

She continued, "No my oldest brother is a police captain AT THE ENGLEWOOD STATION BY YOU!"

I nearly flipped my wig!!!

She continued to say, "They couldn't stop laughing at the video. But he told me that he's going to look into it for me and get back with me," and then he added, "but basically speaking, they are just being racist."

I really think he must have said something to them because it was the first time that the cops didn't even get out of the car when they dropped off the guest! LOL

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