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Ok...its about 3 in the morning and I HAVE TO WRITE THIS because the 2 crazy racist cops FROM THE VIDEO CAME BACK and are on the hound!

I was cleanin up the kitchen and bathroom while everybody was asleep. And i heard somebody at the door. Thinking it was the India couple, the last couple to come in, I opened the door. To my surprise, it was the two angry white cops (girl and boy) that was featured on the video in the end and the one who cursed and said 'f' you that night with the malaysians.

They said they wanted to see a business license! This was the day i had court but i was so sick and sleepy then a mug. It was my girlie girl moment of the month and i didn't care. My hormones were saying the same words as the cops of the video....f you cracker! (Fractornal you cracker jacks! LOL)

So they acknowledged that i had missed the court and I told them i missed court and had the flu and told the india couple, to go back to their room...this wasn't their concern. They were relieved to do so since they were all nervous and stuff.

So once the india couple went back, I looked dead in the eyes of the crooked cops and said, quietly, 'oh its you two. So you saw the video huh?"

They replied, 'yes we did". And they were not happy.

So i said...' other police with you?" no answer. While continuing, I said, "this still about THAT business license!?"

At that point...i was thinking i was going to get shot. But i had told the india guest...dont let them in unless they got a search warrent when the coppers wanted me to get my id.

What struck me was that one of them wasn't in uniform and the other was. The guy was in a jersey with a badge on. It looked like he just came from a run around the park or had been drinking.

So when the couple went to the back room, i was trying to close the screen to not let any bugs get into the house, and with a loud thump, the cop kicked the door in. And she shouted, 'you're not going to close the door on us!" I said, i was simply trying to keep the door closed for bugs.

So she persisted for me to get my license.

So after verifying if this was my right address, and staring at their irritated faces, I ask, 'So i take it you met my Captain friend at the precinct too?" They replied, 'no '. But I suspected they were lying. AT NO TIME DURING THEIR WHOLE TIME ON THE PORCH DID THEY LOOK AT ME!

So they wrote me another citation. This citation was sooooooo un readable that I didnt' know what the charge. But i asked them, 'So let me guess, all this for a business license?"

Is this how they do all business in this area that don't have a proper license???

"I'm sorry but can you prove that i need one? Cause after all, the people in here are my friends." I stated to Mr. and Mrs. Crackhead. I recognized those crackheads by their ponytail.

Usually you can't tell white folks apart. But these two were so distinguishable in their manner, dress and attitude that if i saw them on the street, I would automatically know racist cops in a KKK sheets just by their demeanor. I could pick them in a line up immediately. NO QUESTIONS ASK.

They said, 'but those are medical students renting your place!" I said, couch. From what my sister told me and the blog, i dont need a license if you're charging that this is a hotel?"

I told them dumb bunnies that I have a 3 bedroom house and a hotel is to have 7 bedrooms. Then he said, 'you're renting out airbeds'. i said, "i have friends sleeping on my airbeds yes....this is a popular city and i am a world traveller so yes, my friends stay on airbeds....dont need no license for that! and yes...i rent out airbed mattress from time to time!...SOOOOO???? I belong to couchsurfers, barter groups...etc."

Since when was it a crime to have white people as FRIENDS!!!!! YOU RACIST CRACKHEADS!!! DOWN WITH THE DAYS OF THE KKK!!!! YOU IN THE WRONG CITY!!!!

Then dumb cop #1 said, "I took business school"...I said, "thats good, then you know that for a hotel you need 7 rooms or more to run a hotel. This is a 3 bedroom house and I'm a world traveller. Chicago has more than 44 million visitors and my friends find that chicago is a good place to visit. So unless you can prove that they are paying then you don't have a case..." I said quietly...but i know the other 5 people in the frontroom floor was listening.

So dumb cop number 2 said, 'so thats your defense?'

I said, 'yeah unless you can prove otherwise'.

So he said, 'we watching....."

What you dumb work for the irs? Cause from where I stand...thats the only place you can watch me!

i couldn't make out what he was saying but it sounded stupid! He wouldn't look at me at all. And each time, i kept what did that do that you racially profiled them to pick them up. They wouldn't answer.

After they served me an illegible ticket that I REALLLLLLLLLLY don't know what it says or much so that I will be taking it to the station tomorrow for clarification, I asked the guest what happened.

They said, "annie, we were at the park and the cops saw us and then doubled around to us again from the corner. We didnt' know what they want but we were already near the house."

They were out to get me. But they don't know my God Jehovah.

Before they came in, the guest here were just talking about security. The funny thing is this....I have 2 from Serbia, 1 from Bosnia, 1 from Macedonia, 1 from Canada, 2 repeats - Prague and finland; a 2 mounth-er from kentucky, 2 from Britain who's coming back in a week for another week stay... and the 2 from India. So they got the wrong group to ask questions especially if some of them have visas who already are asking to extend their stay or make advanced reservations! DONT SCREW WITH ANNIE!!!! I GOT MY OWN BACKUP PLAN! KKK CRACKERS!!!!

For those who really know me.....i like alllllll my guest...makes life more interesting. But racist people...have no time for them. Life is tooooo short.

So at the end of the night...and locking those crackers out....i bolted the door and bid farewell and goodnight to my guest!

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