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Part I - Ghetto Girl Walks the Green Mile!

Sorry folks for the delay. This story is in 6 parts. I promise to put each story out over the next couple of days. I had to have time to catch my breathe.

Part I – Ghetto Girl Walks the Green Mile!

Part II - Ghetto Girl Receives Friendly Reminder from City of Chicago

Part III –Ghetto Girl Arrives to Atlanta – Shooting, Broken Windows and Wall O My!

Part IV – Ghetto Girl Guest Questioned by UnderCover cop

Part V – Ghetto Girl Guests Handcuffed by Cops..Charge ‘To White’

Part VI – Ghetto Girl Gank Car only to be Ganked by City of Chicago

Part VII – Ghetto Girl Guest Gets Black Eye

Don't worry folks...i'm crankin these out!


Once upon a Time….

There lived a ghetto girl who took a french ol’ chap to Obama land….

Upon leaving the area, we reached the relatively small corner located in front of the Science and Museum castle. The corners were patrolled by a lovely sign called ‘STOP’.

Facing the south towards the museum, I patiently awaited the passage of the other traffickers. I looked to my left, I looked to the right and was waived in by the car in the front.

Upon seeing a somewhat large crowd position for the arrival for the local bus, I cautiously pulled out to turn left.

“STOP STOP!” Yelled the French ol chap.

He had a VERY LIMITED vocabulary up to this point. But his words uttered created a chill within my very bones as he spoke these things quite clearly.

I quickly and without hesitation pressed the brakes to the floor and braced myself for impact. As I looked toward my right and noticed the eyes of the old gentlemen ALONG with the eyes of an old women that was starring me dead in my faces, from the next car and within centimeters from my car….so close that I could have reached out and touched somebody. Accident AVOIDED….so I thought!

Within a millisecond….the unthinkable happened.

The lady pressed her foot from the brakes to the gas and proceeded sharply to the right….

From the position that we nearly collided, there were cars parked to the right some one car ahead…plenty of room to avoid collision to the right….right? WRONG!

She turns to the right and rams right in the back of the parked car which PUSHED the parked car onto the back of the 2nd parked car in front of that one….then she hit the pole.

As in slow motion, I slowly moved the car up and her eyes were fixed on me with the airbag fitted firmly in her face.

I can’t tell you what I was thinking at that very moment…but the words starting with D**** kept creeping in my head over and over and over.

I wanted to drive away. I honestly know why people panick. But it wasn’t my fault. She actually stopped but got disorientated and pressed the gas.

So my French guy motioned to get out to see if she was ok. I can’t say I was happy to hear that either. But I had to be a good Samaritan. D**** D**** D****

So I parked the car further up the street to an available spot.

As I was getting out of the car, my mind was racing, my heart stopped several times, my knees buckled with every step. My car didn’t have a sticker or no insurance….i just kept playing images in my head of going to the police station…. That’s all I needed….to be blamed for her dillusion!

So I walked toward the scene. Like that of the movie the Green Mile, I felt like I was walking my last moments of freedom!

Upon arriving to the scene, I looked around to see who saw what. Did anybody recognize me?

There was a tall black guy that helped the old white jewish women out of the car. He placed her on the bench while his wife called the police to the scene of the crime. Then he handed her the keys of what was left of her car. The car was totaled.

The lady looked me dead in the face and said to me, ‘THAT lady looked me dead in my face and just kept going!!!! Somebody need to catch her!”

What?! Was she that disillusioned that she didn’t even recognize me?

So while she was pointing to the direction (where I had parked), I looked toward the direction she was pointing with one eye on her hand and the other crossed eye at the people standing beside me who was also looking toward the position to where she was pointing.

I couldn’t believe it….she didn’t see me!

So I thought to myself….my goodness I’m in the clear!!! But how can I leave here in good faith? Frenchy just kept going back and forth to the crash and her trying to understand why she did what she did.

As I was thinking my grand escape before the po-po comes, I hear

‘Annie? Annie? Is that you?”

Oh MANN!!!! Somebody was calling my name?

For a split minute I looked at the women who had just called the police. She looked familiar but when I looked at her husband, I knew him!

“Kevin? Veronica?” It was my aunt’s neighbors that we grew up with!!

I said, ‘What are you doing here? “

“We live across the street!” they replied.

“What are you doing here?” they asked.

“I’m run a bnb and we were just driving around” I replied.

We hadn’t seen each other in years. So I asked did they see what happened (to make sure my base was covered). They replied that they saw the accident but didn’t see the driver who left the scene.

Then I motioned to them…I am the driver! They started laughing. And then they said, ‘the cops will be coming….now what?’ I said, ‘I don’t know?’

And then as we said these words, a MIRACLE HAPPENED!

The lady spoke…. Looking me dead in my face….or at least…that’s what I thought….

“I have to go down the street and tell my friend that I won’t be able to pick her up. I have to go”….and off she went into the sunset.

Everybody looked at each other and Veronica said, ‘did she just leave the scene of the crime?”

I said, ‘yes…yes. She did. On that note, I’m outeee….nice you folks but I’m going to be slipping off into the sunset too. Come on Frenchy!”

At that point, they began to fade away toward the crowd until we all didn’t see each other.

Cops still hadn’t arrived.

Off we went…..

Final words that Frenchy spoke…’That women crazy’. With that said, we finished the night off with a walk on the beach followed by dinner and drinks in Old Town.

Whooo…..could my day get any worse?

Of coarse! In the world of Ghetto Girl….there is always another blood pumping day just around the corner!

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