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Well I think I have heard just about enough foolishness. This particular segment will be a slight rewind ....fastfoward to NEW DEVELOPMENT of Insanity!!!!! The City of Chicago has hit a NEW LOW!!

After I had missed the second court date, the city placed a fine of $500 on me.

About a couple of weeks later, I received a call from the Chicago Revenue Collections department about making payment. Normally when anything goes into collection, it usually take a least a year before collections start harassing you for the payment. But 2 weeks???

When they called, I couldn’t believe it. I basically told the guy to take it out of my butt. I said, ‘for God sakes man, I live in Englewood! You’re trying to fine me for $500 for TRYING to make a living in my home that don’t involve selling drugs? Are you for real? You know what you can do with that fine? You can have them take it out of my behind. I would like to see how the city’s harassment of an ENGLEWOOD resident plays up in the media!”

We spoke for a while, and the guy was pretty nice. He even stated that this was a bit unusual to be contacting about a debt so early.

So I later went to Florida to pick up my sisters car so that I could use it to pick up guest to and from the train station. Thus alleviating the suspicious of the cops who like to target my white guest. The only way previously, that the cops could serve me a ‘citation’ was because they would follow the guest home or take them home. So I figured I would take that out of the equation.

So while I was in florida, I get a call from one of my guest (white) stating that the mailman asked if I lived here (by my long name). I’ve been here for three years but I have my mail going to a post office box. So I found it unusual that the mailman would ask especially since he hadn’t delivered any mail to my name. But then the guest stated that shortly after that, when he was walking down the street, he was approached by two men asking if he knew where the ‘bed and breakfast’ place was.

My guest was already aware of the problems I was having with the cops and he didn’t disclose anything to them. But then the ‘men’ told him that they were undercover cops…in plain clothes. That’s when my guest put two and two together using the mailman to get information as well. To me that was illegal to even involve the mailman.

So when I came back from florida, things were going good. I didn’t give a rats behind about the fine I had gotten. I could care less about. I started pickup up and droppng off my guest at night to the train station when they stay out late. At this point, for over a month, everything was fine.

Until a couple of nights ago.

One of my guest had walked home instead of calling me from the train station. About 10 minutes after she arrived into the house, three cops from the ‘Criminal Investigation’ unit knocked on my door with a folder full of paper.

I was like, ‘can I help you?’

They sent a black lady and two white cops this time. I asked what was the problem…knowing full well what they wanted. I just couldn’t understsand why they were here since I already received a $500 fine. And being that they couldn’t prove that I have any guest from the airbnb site. …especially now that they weren’t even walking the street, why would a special unit be at my door?

The lady told me that she received complaints…..from OTHER police! I was like WHAT? For what? The answer was vague but she stated, ‘you’re still advertising on the internet for business to rent your room. You missed your court date to get a business license.”

Are you kidding me? Of all the things in Englewood to worry about, the city spend more tax payers money on three special unit officers to investigate an administrative issue …..worse…advertising on the internet??? REALLY???

I told her that I already got a fine for that and I’ve been contacted by collections.

After I explained to her that the fine was from those 2 crackhead cops who served me two citations….. and before I could continue she said I was served one. I told her no…I was served two from the same 2 cops. The 2nd time I was served the citation, the cop kicked in my door when I told him to wait at the door so I can get my i.d. He ‘assumed’ I was closing the door on him when all I was doing was shutting my door to keep the bugs from coming in. He and the lady (on the video) were angry because of the video (even stating they saw it….angrily).

Anyway, after I told the CI team / new cops that it was two citations and explained the sections of the regulations of operating a bed and breakfast from the information my sister sent me (who’s a paralegal), the lady cop then said, ‘well you need to take the ad off the internet until you get this matter cleared up in court. I can have you arrested.’

I said, ‘for what? Posting an ad on the internet? There is no law against posting anything on the internet? Freedom of speech??!”

The 2nd cop started looking around the house and I told him that unless you got a search warrant then he did not have my permission to go thru my house. They stated that they are not touching anything but then started taking video of my living room.

So the lady started to write me up another citation to appear in court. She asked how many are here today in the house. I said, ‘you mean how many of my FRIENDS are here in MY HOUSE? Four.”

Even one of my guest from Finland jumped into the conversation and said, ‘I’m just a friend and been here for a couple of months and have been harassed by the cops ever since I’ve been here!” (And she drives).

My Finland guest started to relay a story of how the cops pulled her over at the corner store when she entered the car with her boyfriend from Prague. They were told to step out of the car and the cops put them in handcuffs. Then the cops searched their car (of coarse finding nothing). The cops wouldn’t answer them as to why they were being handcuffed. But the cops asked them, ‘do you see your color in this neighborhood? This is the most dangerous neighborhood in Chicago, etc. etc.” The guest replied, “I don’t see color and I’ve been here for over two months and have no problems whatsoever with the neighborhood except for the cops!”

After getting nowhere with them, they released the handcuffs from their wrist and said, ‘well we pulled you over because you have a cracked windshield. You need to get that fixed.”

Really? The guest stated that those cops couldn’t have known about the windshield since they came from behind and the windshield that’s cracked is in the front of the car. And why the need to search the car? They reasoned that the ONLY reason they were pulled over was because they were white coming out of the store. They didn’t even pull off good enough from the corner when they were pulled over.

So after the 2nd cop in the house heard the story, he started asking questions about the other cops. I told him that he could check the video for their faces.

So finally, the lady cop finished the citation and gave me another court date for Februrary 17. I told her I wouldn’t miss this circus act for nothing. Then she asked me if I could send her the information on the reason why I think that I’m exempt from renting my room for which is replied ….’subleasing my room’. So I later sent her a copy of your report and another link to the regulatory statues for operating a bnb.

After she asked me how I joined this ‘airbnb’, she later stated that she would like for me to contact her to let her know how the court case come out.

So get this, the citation is for:

Advertising /Offering rooms for rent on a transient basis’

Really? I’m getting a ticket for posting on the internet???!!! Can’t wait till court this time! They can kiss my black acesss! Excuse my french!

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