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Kangaroo Court TODAY!

One City of Chicago cop pick up guest $75.

Twelve City of Chicago cops pickup 3 guests, spending an hour in a half in front of house, $1,200.

City of Chicago sending safety inspector to house $150;

City of Chicago expends 6 undercover agents in search of elusive house, $2,500.

City of Chicago Judge and Court Attorney spends quality time with Ghetto Girl for ‘Advertising on the Internet’ ticket $500.

Ghetto Girl contest ticket for another court date to waste City of Chicago’s time in addressing bogus ticket $1500

City of Chicago has to bring in Investigator for upcoming court $1,000.

When asked by Ghetto Girl, ‘why am I here addressing a non-issue of the ticket with regards to advertising on the net and receiving a court date to address an OLD court decision’ and the attorney says, ‘I don’t know, I have to ask the Officer…. PRICELESS.


Yes ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls….. it was Ghetto Girl’s Court day today.

The charge was ‘Advertising On the Internet for transients’. So what did I do?

My mother used to say, when somebody is coming at you….act crazy. So I put on full costume to look the part.

First I dressed in painted half paints complete with holes and a mismatch t-shirt. Topped off with a bandana on my frizzy braided hair with pieces sticking out; no teeth, no makeup, and jacked up boots.

The idea was to convey, ‘does this look like I’m in business?

So the attorney for the city takes me back into a private room. He starts to say that he represents the city and that the charge is for bed and breakfast. I said, ‘what?’

No fully hearing what this man said and continues, “According to the officer’s notes, you claim that you do not need a license to operate a bed and breakfast.”

First, I said, ‘I’m not running a bed and breakfast and what I looked up, I don’t need one since I live in the house.’

So then he replied, “well it’s a $500 fine maximum”.

Before Bozo Attorney could continue, I interrupted and said, “No, I don’t need a license” and suddenly I sat up from my slouched position and said, “If you look on the Bed & Breakfast City of Chicago Municipal Code 2-4-010, then you will notice that I don’t need a license, that my house has less than 3 bedrooms and I barter my rooms and try to attract subleases. Also, the ticket states I’m advertising for transients. The definition of transients is 31 or less. The people at home have stayed more than 31 days. “

Finally some respect. The fool looks up from his paper at looks me in the face.

He then asked, “ Do you have proof? Do they sign a lease?” I said, “ no, it’s my house, if you want to stay in my home, I work out an arrangement. Do you have proof that ‘transients’ pay me to stay shorter times?”

Giving him the look of ‘feel free to pretend I’m a dummy’ look….cause I got all day for you crackhead..he then said, , ‘hold on.’

He had to look up additional information from the computer. So then he said, “well..” (and before he could continue)…I said, I want to contest it!

He didn’t look happy.

He thought this toothless monster sitting before him all cock-eyed would have something less insightful to say.

He replied, “ok…would next month be ok?” I replied, “fine”.

I proceeded to sit before the judge until called. Being that I was in an antagonistic mood, the judge stated that my court case date would be handled March 15. I said, ‘judge? That’s not a good time for me”. He looked at me and told me to get the attorney back out here.

I figure if we’re going to play this song and dance, I might as well get some beauty sleep and move the date further up…like in april after 1 p.m.

I’m thinking the whole time, if I don’t get any satisfaction from this whole ordeal is you’re going to wish you never laid eyes on this face! It’s going to cost the City of Chicago every time I go to court. Every cop that comes my way, every piece of paper you have to file for paper work for this kangaroo court…..somebody is going to pay for wasting my time!

But before it was all over for having my next court date some 45 days later….. I asked the attorney, ‘why exactly does this printout for my next court appearance states that the subject is ‘Business license required’ when the ticket was to address the issue of ‘Advertising for transient? After all I got a ticket for that some time ago for which I was charged $500 since I didn’t show up for court.”

His response: “I don’t know. I have to ask the officer that myself”.

As I see you it, you can’t try somebody for the same offense when you already by fined…..even for murder.

Sometimes I wonder, is there anybody in this kangaroo court that know the law and the sytem?

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