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Kangaroo Court going to the Supreme Court!!!!

WOW!!! That’s all I got to say about the corrupt cops in Chicago.

The following story is a true life story of the events that happened April 3, 2011 in a Kangaroo Court. The names of the individuals have been changed to hide the identities of the actual characters.

Judge Jungle Jim

Officer Liar

Officer Snoopy

Officer Sneaky

Attorney Dumass or Dumbo (that’s pronounced…. Doom as…or dumb….your choice depending on the mood)

On December 20, 2011, I received a citation to go to court. The charge? “Advertising for transients”. Even the judge had to ask the city’s attorney is there a law against that or if there is any ordinance against that. My thinking at that point is if you have to ask then why in the world are we here? To set new Supreme Court precidents? I just assumed I had the right to advertise ANYTHING under the FREEDOM OF SPEECH LAW!

After the lawyer cited the ordinance requirement for running a Bed and Breakfast, I reminded the court that my being in this courtroom had nothing to do with that. I stated that my court appearance is based on the ISSUE of ‘advertising on the Internet!’

On December 20, I let 3 hillbilly cops into my home because it was a cold night…. Officer Liar, Officer Snoopy and Officer Sneaky. If I had known that their being in my house would be the ONLY MADE UP information that was presented at court, I would have left their sorry behinds outside chipping off ice from their butts!

For the record, anybody out there reading this, DO NOT let the cops in your door for any reason unless they have a search warrant! They are only gathering information against you…not having the ‘friendly’ conversation they claim they want to have with you. What happened in that short span in my home was what they used to ‘accuse’ me. Otherwise, they had nothing.

When the 3 hillbilly cops, one black woman (Officer Liar) and 2 white male cops (Officer Sneaky and Snoopy), came in, I had specifically instructed the cops that they are only inside from my invitation only and they cannot past the point of the living room. At that point, Officer Snoopy stopped from entering the third room where two of my friends were sitting. During the conversation with Officer Liar, Officer Snoopy took out a video camera from his ACES, and began filming my living room. What they did observe and started to take video of was the suitcases in the living room and the air mattress on the floor. They also stated they saw an Asian girl, a guy in the other room and Finland in the living room.

So the attorney started to question Officer Liar. And without looking at me, she began to relate some bone face lies! By the way, she was the only cop at this hearing.

Lie #1: The attorney asked the nature of their arrival to my home at which she started to relay how they were requested by the other cops on the force to investigate further any criminal activities…running a bed and breakfast without a license….in ENGLEWOOD! (Who would have guest that resources were used to investigate THAT since I clearly may have a drug house on each side of my home!)

She stated that she spoke with me with regards to the situation and stated that she PROVIDED ME with ordinance information as to why I needed a license. The lie?


What she did present to me was a folder with some ads and no name or address of my establishment on them. And when I TOLD HER that I was not under any law to get a business license based on a certain code that described transients as individuals in house for less than 30 days…..SHE THEN ASKED ME, “DO YOU HAVE A COPY OF THAT ORDINANCE AND CAN YOU SEND ME THE FILE TO MY EMAIL” at which she gave me her business card and I sent her information on the ordinance and laws! But THIS was NOT what she told the judge.

In fact, I even asked them, “from where again did you find my ad?”

Her reply, “a website called airbnb.”

I then asked, “and from that website, did you notice other similar ads like mines on the ad?”

Her reply, “I assume there may be some.”

My redirect, “approximately how many more do you assume to be on that site that are offering the same service?”

Her response: “I can’t recall.”

My reply, “well let me help you out. There is over 700 families and homes across Illinois doing the exact same thing, including an ad I saw of one of your own police officers!”

Lie #2: Officer Liar stated that I HAD NOT instructed them to stop moving about in my home. I had specifically stated to them that unless they had a search warrant, they are not allowed to go into another room other than the living room. Officer Liar at the time, stated, ‘We are not touching anything.” My reply was, ‘still don’t pass this living room.”

During that conversation, Officer Sneaky stopped at the piano.

So upon testimony SHE CLAIMED to the judge that Officer Sneaky went all the way to the back of the house to the kitchen where they saw the breakfast setup.


Upon directing my question, I asked Officer Liar, ‘WHAT COLOR IS MY KITCHEN?” while throwing my hands up in disbelief!

She stated she did not know.

I then asked, “If you claimed that you went to the back of the kitchen, passing by the other guest, and took pictures, then where are the pictures?”

Her reply, “we have pictures, I just don’t have it. Its in my office.”

(WHAT THE HELL DO Y’OU COME TO COURT WITH? NO PICS, NO RECOLLECTION OF WHAT MY KITCHEN EVEN LOOKS LIKE.) She then stated, ‘we know what your kitchen looks like.” I said, “ yeah from the pics you saw online.

Like an idiot, she said, “it has breakfast foods in there.”

REALLLY????? YOU BEEN A DETECTIVE HOW LONG? My GOD GIRL… must be a real Sherlock Holmes at your department! Food in a kitchen. There’s a new idea. But you can’t tell me what color my walls were.

Lie #3: The Police Department’s Attorney, Attorney Dumbo, asked Officer Liar, “How many did you observe to be in the house”. Her reply, “three…..a Caucasian, an Asian and another male dressed in pajamas”.

Attorney Dumbo started to allude that this was proof of me having guest from airbnb.

When I crossed examined Officer Liar, I asked her, “did you ask any one of the guest in the house if they were paying guest?” Her reply, “they were non-responsive”.


Upon redirecting, I asked, ‘So as your officer was SUPPOSEDLY passing thru the room with the other guest to the KITCHEN, you are claiming that they asked them A QUESTION?’

Her reply, ‘they were unresponsive. ‘

“HOW CAN they be responsive if they hadn’t even had a question asked to them? “ I asked, “So since you saw three people, one of which was a roommate, the other a friend visiting and the girl from Finland who was more than happy offering information….do you not recall the conversation that Finland gave you as to her ordeal with the officers in the area handcuffing her and how they asked her ‘do you see your color here? Do you remember that conversation?”

Her reply, “No but she stated about the harassment you were having. She was uncooperative in any questions we asked.”

I couldn’t believe it. Even Officer Snoopy asked more questions to Finland about the incident. But according to Officer Liar, that conversation never took place.

So I redirected, “you don’t remember the 10 minute discussion about her ordeal and the fact that she stated that she had not paid anything and had been at the house for 6 months already!”.

Officer Liar stated, ‘No, she didn’t mention how long she was there or that she wasn’t paying anything.”

AGAIN ANOTHER BONE FACE DOUBLE LIE! That was one of the first thing Finland told them because initially Officer Liar asked, ‘who are you?” And she stated that she was a friend of mines and she had been there since August. She even told them that she hadn’t paid anything. hehehe

Finally, as this kangaroo court seemed to be a wash and I was sure that this was a done deal since they had no pictures, no proof that anybody paid anything, I began to wrap up my questioning with one FINAL icing on the cake…..the AD ITSELF!

The one big file that Officer Liar brought to my house on the day the ticket was issued contained no address of mines on the ad. So since this kangaroo court was based on advertising, it would only be reasonable that I put to question the infamous AD!

I asked, “with regards to the ad, How do you even know if that’s my ad? Does my address appear on the ad?”

She said, “yes, your address is on ad.”

I said, “Can I see the ad because I’m quite sure that no address was on it.”


SO LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT! You don’t have ad that has my name and address on it, you don’t have the pictures of the ‘kitchen’ you claimed you went thru to see, and you have no testimony or proof that the they paid to stay at my house DURING 5 days before CHRISTMAS when I have friends NORMALLY at the house during holiday seasons because everyone is off!.....for this …..This is your Burden of Proof?

Even in summation by the attorney, he stated that it might be circumstantial. And harping on his own words, I replied, ‘Judge, that’s the one thing Officer Dumbo is correct. This whole hearing is CIRCUMSTANTIAL with no evidence of any kind or even a reason for them to even being in my house….had they any cause to issue me anything or even visit my place.”

So how the hell did I get a judgment for $250?

Because the Judge of this Jungle Gym, without any burden of proof on the city’s’ part ended the session with these words:

“If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it must be a duck…and for that I am going to fine you the least amount of $250! You can appeal.”


I was flabbergasted. I couldn’t believe it. It just took the word of a cop to say I am conducting an illegal business …. because I look like a duck.. Well we are going to see about that.

Taking this Kangaroo court to appeals.

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