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The SKANK awards go to CHARMEL MITCHELL. Unbelievable! This skank sits day in and day out, eating you out of house and home, don’t clean crap up after herself, wash her skank ace clothes using my detergent, never bringin a single grocery in since the day she moved in, dragin her long as behind back and forth to the fridge ask, ‘gul, you got any chicken to cook?’ (and for those who don’t know the skank language, gul is pronounced ‘girl’) and left in the night owing back rent. Ain’t to slick when she go stay with her booty call ‘boytoy’. I say toy only because toys are what you play with at yo momma’s house. And since this boy is tryin to get skank booty in his momma’s basement only applies true to the term ‘boytoy’. But I ain’t mad….some. My skank antenna’s was up when skanks can’t look you in the eye when they do crap. Cowards. Just one less skank that will ever have to set foot in my house. One thing I won’t miss from Queen Skankas is that whiny voice going thru my fridge like a rovin rat askin, ‘you got something to eat gul?”. I may have lost in rent but I make up in food bill! I just feel sorry for the next fool that take in this skank. Somebody’s about to get played. From the sound of it, her facebook friends thinks she’s coming on 13th and the others think Saturday. Nothin good comes to skanks! She may be going back to school to study NURSING (or more like nursing your resources out of others aces..) for a degree which I don’t think she has the brain capacity to hold big words. But hoppin on the backs of others, like a bug piggybackin from the back of a frog to a dog….the skank got skills! THIS HAS BEEN A NATIONAL BLASTCASTING ALERT FOR A SKANK COMING TO AN AREA NEAR YOU. BE ON THE LOOKOUT, LOCK YOUR DOORS, YOUR BOYFRIEND, AND YOUR FRIDGE. PUT OUT YOUR SIGNS ON THE FRONT PORCH READING “NO SKANKS ALLOWED”.

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