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Moment of Silence.....

Ghetto Girl - Moment of silence moment....As much as i like to move out of 'englewood'...but there is somethin 'special' in its own crackhead way about this place. Maybe its the wine talkin or bootleg beer...can't remember which..

But i have to say...i have the best guest always coming here. When i think it can't get any better or stupider funnier than does. In the last months, the best suggestion to turn my rooms into bunk rooms; i had a luggage rack from a venician artist made; when im tired as crap....guest wash my dishes; i find my clothes in the basement folded, and even dinner cooked for me.... Is this kind of service available from the guest of Hilton? And then whatss worse...they want to come by to just hang out! LOL

I am happy.

They say the best jobs are the ones you would do for free. Well i definately know what i would do for free if i could...and that would what i am doing. So thanks to all you crazy folks who dared step foot in Englewood and had a good time! heheeh.... BUT DONT QUOTE ME TOMORROW....I JUST MAY BE DRINKIN TO MUCH TONIGHT! AND I WILL DENY ALLLLLL OF THIS! LOLOL

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