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It was bound to happen.

I was just paid by one of the guest for there stay in cash and I had it in my purse. It was the calm before the storm of guests that was due to arrive in the next days. I noticed that about $40-$60 was missing from my purse! I know!!!!! I HAD MONEY TO STEAL! LOL I digress. I just thought i had spent it on something. The problem? I hadn't even went out that day or the next due to the extreme heat!

A previous guest, China, had stated to me that she was missing $30. Well I can't necessary blame the guy for this amount since he wasn't in the house at the time and no one was near her room since i had been there all day. Everyone was out. But still the thought crossed my mind.

But it wasn't until Pakistan asked me the other day if he had given me his extension money. I said no. He was missing $20. I told him maybe he had overpaid the delivery guy for his chinese food.

Last night Wisconsin came home discombobulated (kim check?) He claimed he was mugged and they tooked his wallet and his glasses and beat him up and when he went to the police station they couldn't fill out a report since their system was down (unusual i thought). The place it happened? North side Lincoln Park...THE SAFE AREA! Because it sounded kind of strange....because there didn't seem to be any bruise around his eyes although he kept putting ice on it. So I started to ask him some questions about why he was over there.

Now normally this is none of my business. But since you've been eatin ALL my cereal all day and the guest food without any consideration of leaving much behind and you're day 3 in owing me money...before we get to day 5, you best answer clearly my questions.

Brings to mind the David Chappelle show....'wheres my money b*! hehehhehe I digress again.

So his answers were vague until he came out of the bathroom with more pointed answers. He claimed he was visiting a friend, watched movies ....two to be exact for a couple of hours and then went to a burger place that helps vets.

Everything else sound like 'wha wha wha wha wha'.....since i was thinking, "You got friends you can hang with while eating EVERYBODY's food you greedy numnut!*??

So this morning, Pakistan said to me that he knew it had to be him was while he was in his area (the sofa sleeper), he pulled out his rubbees coins (ok...i forget the pakistany coin names), he specifically left them in that area. He had told Wisconsin that he will go with him downtown and that they can go together, especially since Wisconsin didn't have his prescription glasses. Wisconsin agreed. Pakistan then took a 10 minute shower. At that point of coming out, Wisconsin had told another guest that he had to leave early and left. Its not like we have a mansion. He could have simply knocked on the bathroom door and told him himself. When Pakistan returned to his area, his coins and currency was gone and $30 more dollars.

So I sent Wisconsin a text stating that since there has been a series of theft with myself and some guest...and he was the common denominator in each circumstance, then I am asking you to pick up your belongings and leave.

Now i was expecting an angry response. In return I receive this:

"Ok. But i don't steal. I understand you need someone to blame. I am not mad. I will need to get my stuff especially my cell phone charger. If you can put it on the back porch I would appreciate it. Thank you. But honestly it was not me. I am still at the police station up north. It will have to be later today. What time are you at home? (ALL DAY THIEF ALL DAY) Probably wont come by tonight. I have to be present for police line up (they think they got him, I was one of many victims). Then i have to go back to the hospital for xray to c if i have a fractured eye socket. I will come by tomorrow or next day. I am sorry it turned out like this. I have been having a string of awful luck lately so it kind of makes sense. But honestly I would never abuse your trust you have been too kind. I hope you resolve it soon. Take Care'.

Funny how the pow pow work so quickly in one day. Just like on the movies. Him having a string of bad luck? was my guest. I may have just saved his life. Why? Because i got the ghetto guests from hades (11 of them) in the house and if he tried that with them....they would have killed him. Especially since i found out one is out on parole and another was bragging on how i need a man and how him being a man he showed his step son how to handle his business by shooting some house or something to get his money back. Yeah.....this is what i'm facing....and thats just the cake...not the icing.

I was thinking that they did it but they were sleep at the time and some of the theft happened when they were not even here. Lucky break for them. Thats another story.

Well on that note, gotta go and sharpen my knives for my current guest and my crackhead guest. Sybils going to be popping up soon.....I just got that feellin!

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