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I Summons the Spirits....

Thats right...I'm about to summon the spirts! Calling on Jim Beam, Jack Daniels, Little Brothers, E and his brother J. If i haven't left anyone out.....Come....I say Come! As if in a Lord of the Rings movie....all guest are taking arms to gather together.

Yesterday, I was going on Wimdu to block out the dates of everything for this month until i saw the one request. It was for one day. The 4th. After accepting the pending reservation, he called 10 minutes later and requested to come that night. Bewildered and a bit taken back, I told him that its booked and that he would be on the air mattress. To that he said ok. I'm thinking he would be at the house in a couple of hours, he arrived within 20 minutes. That was my gut feeling saying...this ain't gonna be good.

He arrived with car full of stuff, plastic bags and luggage. Did he just get kicked out of his last place? Sloppy dumpy sack of a man came into the house....unloading bag after bag after bag ....on my living room floor. I told him tomorrow we'll find some place to put the bags in the back tomorrow because i can't have this all over the floor. He said he was looking for a job and need to stay for some time. Key words for....i got no money.

So i told have to pay upfront.

So after he brings his stuff in, he's immediately walking thru the house as if he's been here before...while i was locking the door. The other guest were looking at him like he's crazy. As i was explaining where things were and was about to show him the bathroom, i said, 'the bathroom is over here'....he was immediately was like, 'i know..i found it.'.

Well jack ace....if you wait, you'll find where the towels are and dont ask me any questions until i say the tour is over! So he goes back to the living room before i start talking to get his food. Immedaitely he goes straight to the refrigerator and starts putting it in. I didn't even get the chance to explain to him where what goes.

So as we were in the kitchen talking and i was explaining what to do with the dishes and stuff, he cuts me off immedately and ask...'What happen to your teeth!?" I told him i have gum disease. So i tried to continue the conversation and he kept on, 'whats that? Did they fall out?....' Normally, i would have had no problem with the conversation, even joking about it. But we werent even 2 minutes in meeting and already he was cutting off my conversation abruptly cut me off like a special k kid asking me about something that aint your business! He wouldn't stop. Even one of the other guest came out of the room to see what kind of crazy was this.

Another guest came home and went to the fridge on the back porch. While I was talking to Mr. Nutty Buddy, he breaks from the conversation to go to the back porch. He went to the back porch because the other guest was on the back porch for time. Then he was like, 'Oh you have another refrigerator out there." REALLY???? He had no business on the back porch but he wanted to see what was out there. I told him, 'no that area is for guest who's been here for months.

Finally i'm off to my castle and left nutty buddy down below. A couple of hours later, I come downstairs and the tv was off. It was only 9 p.m. Everybody was up but nobody was saying nothing. So I asked one of the girl guest, 'did you see Once Upon a Time' and immediately she got excited and turned on the tv to watch it. Later she told me that when they were watching it earlier, Nutty Buddy kept huffing and puffing while they were watching tv and said, "You like these kind of shows?" all angry. So she said, after the show went off, "i offered him the remote and instead of turning to another show, he turned it completely off!"

He says, "I got things to do in the morning. I can't be watchin tv!"

So when i came downstairs, it was as if ol man grumpy had come home and told everybody tv off and go do your homework. But i asked the girl if she saw the Once Up A Time, she immediately perked up and siad, "I'm going to watch it right now!"

I don't think Nutty Buddy aka Skittles was happy about that.

Initially i told nutty buddy that there may be some availability on the air matterss but i didn't know. We will check later. Thats before I knew he was crazier than a bag of skittles.

This is just DAY 1.


Skittles did the unthinkable. Dead Man Walking. I realized, now here is a man with a death wish. He came into my room without knocking the next morning. He was standing over my bed asking me about some dumb ace passes and shuttle. He could have asked me last night. I had already decided then that he is not staying no month here.

But before i went downstairs, what i didn't know was that the other guest are trippin about him. He knocked the shade completely off the window in the middle room cause he wanted some light. Then he just opened up the door to another guest private room while she was in it and asked her about some butter. No knocking! She could have been butt naked for all anybody care. She snapped at him. She is a guest and he just walked right in and open the door. I notice that he have no regards to what women say to him. He then said to another guest, 'this is the ghetto'. The indian guest said, its not that bad. But he just insisted that it is the ghetto. The Indian guy told him that there are really bad areas of chicago that you haven't seen. But he wasn't hearing it. Later, he asked another guest did anybody come to the door today? She said, no. He replied, 'so everything is good?' She said 'ahhhh yeah'. He then went into the kitchen and told another guest that he needed to make room on the kitchen counter for a work station. The guest told him, ' will have to take it into the common room because this is shared space.'

So by the time I came downstairs, the U.P.S. came and he had the package in his hand. I reached out for it since he had it in his hand. Instead of giving me the package, he's studying it, reading every inch of it before handing it to me. I'm thinkin this crackhead is off the chain.

Soooo after nutty buddy left for downtown and came back, I let me know about coming into my room and knocking first. He just looked away. I then told him, "oh by the way (crackhead), the house is booked after the 7th so you will have to find another place. It's already packed in here as you can see.'

He said, "but i thought you said it was available."

I replied, 'no...i told you that I had to check the calendar because you were only here for one day." He asked, "but for an air mattress?" I said yes....even the air mattress. ......Because there's no way in hades you and sybil are going to get along! Then he was like, "well I saw a bed available for $16 for the whole bed". I'm thinkin "WHATS TAKING YO DUMB ACE SO LONG.....GET TA HOPPIN SKITTLES!

So all tonight, nutty buddy kept pacing BACK and FORTH thru the house with this crazy grin on his face. The other guest were getting a bit edgy. I moved the girl guest back upstairs from sleeping next to him. Then the other guest has the sharp knife under her pillow. I on the other hand don't feel so edgy. I....feel peace at times like this. Times like this let me reflect on how much fun Sybil is going to have breakin a piece off nutty buddy ace in the name of self defense. I don't need a knife. I'm willin and waitin.

I told him he has to leave on the 7th. So these days should be real interesting. Makes good readin.... Maybe i don't have to go to the gym this week to work on weights. Might have a chance to work on my calves and upper arm strength while reshapin the pillsbury dough boy. I almost want to sleep downstairs just for the fun of it.

I thought he could be a police plant because he's so freakin nosy. But when you got even the crazy guest here saying he's crazy and its unanimously that he should go.....then so be it. Nutty buddy gots to go. Will Sybil come out and play? We shall see....

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