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Things that make me say hummmmm? To own a Gun....or Not to? That is the question....

As a resident of this so-called notorious 'ENGLEWOOD', a resident of one of the most 'dangerous' city in America, I felt a strong need to say something with regards to guns and gun control. You hear the talk and then you hear the gunfire....sometimes. So hear goes my '2 cents'.

Something that makes me say hummmm with regards to all this talk about guns and gun control.

We always hear that faithful statement, ‘Guns don’t hurt people….people hurt people.” No duh.. Well for the most part, that’s true.

You can use THAT same argument for knives, cars, a rock…..These things don’t hurt people people do.

What’s interesting about knives, cars, rocks… You put these in the vicinity of the wrong hands, you may have fatal consequences too. But we take precautions with these when it comes to children…whether or not we have to right to own them and use them ‘wisely’. For instance, you don’t give blind people drivers licenses to drive cars just because he has no history of hurting someone. You don’t put knives in front of babies just because they have never used a knife before. You don’t allow your children to play baseball with rocks because they don’t have rubber balls! By doing so, we become negligent and can even go to jail if we allowed our children to use these items, even if they haven’t hurt anyone.

You can create a situation for other people to hurt people.

So what do government or responsible overseers do to reduce the risk of injury?

Officials refuse to give BLIND drivers, licenses. Parents remove knives and any sharp objects from before babies to provide a ‘safe’ environment for the inexperienced toddler even if he/she has potential to being a great chef later. Manufacturers provide countless alternate forms of toys so that kids don’t play with rocks for balls and steel pipes for bats, with countless government restrictions by age group.

So what about guns? If parents or governments take GREAT steps for lessor objects that has the potential to harm, you would think that they would do the same thing with regards to guns. If you have children in the house or teenagers who are naturally hormonally a trip wire already even WITHOUT the influences of violent video games or music that put kids in an alternate state of craziness, why would any parent place these weapons in their home? Children will be children. They will steal from their parents wallets, they will experiment with drugs from the medicine cabinet and sneak liquor cubbard. That’s what they do. That’s what we did! So how much more will they not play with weapons they find in their own home….when the parents are not looking.

The very first thing my parents normally do when they have their first child….they fervently try to remove all instruments of danger especially that could harm themselves. From padding sharp edges of furniture, to providing protective outlet covers, etc.

Sure you may be the experienced and responsible adult that can handle these ‘dangerous’ instruments….but for the protection of your child , you would think it would be just as instinctive to still remove these objects from the home, whether we love them or not. People love their Porsche. But then they marry, they usually trade it in for a family van….for the protection of the child. So why does parents insist on having guns in their home when they have children?

No one is saying you shouldn’t have a gun. Sure it’s useful especially if you were hunting for FOOD! But when you have children, remove the weapons, no matter how much you love them from the home. Otherwise, you might as well give them the keys to the car and play target practice with knives.

But you still want to keep the gun because its not the gun doesn’t harm people. Its our constitutional right to have one? That’s your argument. Then ok. Lets go with that logic.

Here’s some suggestions for those arguments.:

Let the government sell provide every man and women of age with a gun. Making it constitutional available free to EVERYBODY. Like everything else, “constitutional” our RIGHT (i.e. bear arms, free speech, voting rights - if that’s what you do)…make it accessible and free with nooooo restrictions. That way if somebody has one, the other can show his weapon to. Even the playing field.

HOWEVER, the bullets…make it stringently impossible to obtain.

Because you’re right…Guns DON’T KILL PEOPLE….BULLETS DO! And that part is NOT in the constitution. In order to obtain bullets, they should put in place the same protocals that are instituted in driving a car and then some. In order to purchase bullets, YOU MUST:

1) Pass a psych test

2) Take shooting classes required and must past a test. (Charge for the classes.)

3) Provide 10 verifiable family and friend references that you ain't crazy

4) Insurance! - In the event that YOUR bullets hit someone else, then the the owner of the bullets will be responsible for the injury or loss of life financially along with shooter who goes to jail. I bet these parents would have the bullets out of reach for sure.

After all, when those kids were massacred, it wasn’t that the cororner found ‘guns’ in their system….they found bullets.

I rather get hit in the head by the gun….than the bullet.

So let’s all be responsible since it’s so important to maintain our ‘constitutional right’. After all, slavery at one point, was constitutional. Either abolish it or make the owner just as responsible as the user.

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