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Time of Reflection! 2013 NEW CHANGES!

Ohhhh joy.....this is certainly a time of reflection for me! After spending some quality time in my new castle and reflecting on my budgetary woes and not so woes.....I have given much thought to the following changes for 2013 .....moving forward! So here it is folks!


2013 Changes

1) No shuttle when snow is present – Effective Immediately

- if pickup in snow- $2 from green line ; $3 from Red line

2) FREE Shuttle available ONLY from Darkness until 2 a.m.

- Only one free pickup/dropoff per evening

- Additional Pickup/dropoff available @ $2 (Greenline) $3 (from Redline)

- Pickup/Dropoff from 2 a.m. – 5 a.m. @ $2 (Green line); $3 (Red line)

Effective Immediately

3) One weekly free wash is ONLY available for monthly renters who have paid their full

$350 in full. – Effective January 13, 2013

NEW! – Annie’s Pantry

FREE BREAKFAST INCLUDES: One bowl of Cereal, milk, coffee and tea

- DO NOT touch any food from my personal refrigerator shelf marked Annie

(in black or white refrigerator).

- DO NOT touch ANY items in my personal freezer on back porch.

- Store YOUR PERSONAL freezer items in the white refrigerator.


Effective January 1, 2013! The following rates apply for any food items from MY refrigerator shelf marked ‘Annie’s Shelf’ or freezer.

All items are sold uncooked, raw or frozen.


  1. MEATS -– Any items from my freezer on back porch may be obtained for $1 each.

i. Bologna slice - $0.25 each

ii. Slice ham - $0.50 cents each

iii. Hot Dog - $0.75 cents each

iv. Polish Sausage - $1 each

v. Hamburger patty - $1.50 each

vi. Chicken breast OR thigh- $2 each;

vii. Chicken wing OR leg - $1 each

  1. Bread – $0.15 cents per slice

  2. Cheese slice – $0.10 cents per slice

  3. Eggs - $0.25 cents per egg

  4. Fruits – $0.50 cents each

  5. Ramen Noodles – $0.50 cents

  6. Bagel – $0.75 cents per bagel

  7. Pasta – $1.00 per cup

  8. One bowl of cereal – free; addit’l bowl of cereal – $0.75 cents per bowl

  9. Orange Juice – $0.50 cents a small cup

  10. Bottle Water - $1.00 each

  11. Potatoes – $0.15 cents each

  12. ½ cup uncooked rice - $1.00 per 1/2 cup

  13. Cooking Oil - $0.10 per tablespoon

  14. Annie’s Blue Plate Special - $5 per plate – ‘You eat what I eat for dinner'

May the next year be better than the last! hehehehe

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