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The Wind Has Changed!

"Nonya, does your DVD work?" asked the gray headed 60 year old guy thats been back to ggHilton several times. "Yes, just let me find the remote", I replied. We searched for at least a half hour for that little bugger of a remote. "FOUND IT!" "Good!" he exclaimed! "I wasn't sure how to go to the next episode!" After showing him how to work the remote, I yelled out, "GOSSIP GIRLS?! You are hooked on GOSSIP GIRLS!???" "I know i knowww!!!! I can't help myself. I got caught up on this show a while ago!" he replied. I said, "You should be ashamed of yourself!" and started laughing. This week I have more guys than gals renting. I have a 6 foot gentle BLACK GIANT HOOKED ON 'BAD GIRLS', 'HOUSEWIVES OF ATLANTA, AND ANYTHING GIRLIE! I got a 60 year old white guy hooked on Gossip Girls! I have another 24 year old guy from the Netherlands that play alll things FRIENDS! On the flip side, the girls, one from Mississippi, is hooked on ALL THINGS SPORTS!, the other 2 including myself, all things DANGER AND CALAMITY....DEXTER, SCANDAL, and ANYTHING with a stick of dynamite! What is happening???? Is this the twilight zone. I wanted to give one of the guys a tissue when he talked about NOTEBOOK movie. REALLY??? I feel like I should grab hold to some of them like the army and sit them in front of 90 hours of hit and run movies. There is one hope in the house. There is a guy from Atlanta, about 28 maybe....he loves action movies on DVD. He has at least a 100 in his box. Thats the good news. The bad news? He's quick to pop in the dvd an action flick called, 'BACK TO THE FUTURE!" REALLY??? LOLOL

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