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YOU'RE FIRED YOU"RE FIRED and YOU'RE FIRED!!! And this is me CALM AFTER I consulted with my high priestess Jackie! LOL

OM GIMINY CRICKETTSS!!!! WHAT THE FREAKIN FRACK!!!! My long time contractor comes to the house, "NONYA, the gate is finished! Come out and see." Happily finally i come down to see. LOW AND FREAKIN BEHOLD, I see my newly INSTALLED COMBINATION KEY CODE GATE THAT COST ME $400 IS UNINSTALLED AND IN PIECES!!!! I can't see nothing else around me!!! All i see is MY LOCK IS REMOVED, IN HIS HANDS WITH SPRINGS, BROKEN PIECES AND CRAP! "WHAT HAPPENED!" "Its not my fault! I was trying to close the gate to see if the lock aligned up with the bracket and it just broke!" IT DON'T JUST BREAK! ITS A HACK PROOF LOCK WITH LIFETIME WARRANTY! IF IT JUST BROKE, WHY IN HADES DID YOU UNSCREW IT AND TAKE THE WHOLE THING DOWN!!!! I was SCREAMING on the inside!!! I knew that now that he had taken the lock off, it would cost another $150 to have it install. Instead of just coming to me when he was having problems with the lock, he man handles the lock, break the plate and latch! It was workin JUST FINE before then!!! All I ASKED YOU TO DO WAS PUT A HOLE IN THE OPPOSITE POLE SO THAT THE LATCH COULD JUST GO RIGHT THRU....NOTHING ELSE! Eyes rolling back in my head, being EARLY in the morning and I had to rush to take the guest downtown to the train, I gave myself a minute. I told the contractor, i can't deal with this right now. I have to go. So I told him, "Here's the $120 for the balance I said I would pay for that (FREAKIN) wood fence" that was suppose to have been covered in the original quote! I know i know....why give another dollar. In my head at this moment, that was the money to let you know that thats the last dime you're going to get from me. "Whats this?" He asked. "Your BALANCE!" I replied. This was the balance for the ONE WOOD SIDE GATE (not steel). The original quote for the WHOLE project was $1,400. The monster gate went from $1,400 to $1,850 (just for the steel part) to $350 plus $300 for labor on the wood part!! "I gave you $575 to date (for the wood gate) and the materials were about $350/$360. So that means, I owe you only $120." "No Nonya, that was allll materials". THE HELL IT WAS! EXCUSE MY FRENCH! "You mean to tell me that the materials was $575 and I owe you $300 on top of that to pay you for a total of $900? It was only $38 a panel times 6, 4 posts @ $10, throw in some concrete and hinges....THAT IS NOT $575!!" I yelled, "I gotta go, here is the $120 and tomorrow you bring me all the receipts." WHOOO FREAKIN SAAAAAAA As I am writing this, it dawn on me, 'whats the going rate of getting across the gates of hell"? Maybe this is Hell and that gate is just the entry point at $3,000....cause thats what this OVERPRICED DOOKIE BALLS PIECE OF FENCE COST! OH OH OH OH!!! Did i mention that the welder who built the 'fence from hades', didn't flush the gate correctly so that its to close at the top! He said he would fix it when he come back to put the hole in the post. So after the keyless lock was installed, I called him to put the hole in the post at which point he says, 'I can't do it for 3 weeks because I'm on a big job!" I SAID "WHATTTT?????" You CAN'T FINISHED THIS DEVIL FORSAKEN FENCE!!! He said no. But then today, my contractor, told me this morning, the ACE HOLE welder don't have a job for no three weeks! In fact, he was standing outside Home Depot, on the corner, at 7 this morning waiting for somebody to pick him up to do a job. So my contractor says he feels bad that he hired him. He subcontracted the job to get $100 off the project!!! A FREAKIN $100 which now is $1,600 OVERBUDGET!!! Well guess what.... Oh lookie here. What do I have in my pocket? Ummm, it's a card to another contractor. I called him Saturday after my contractor left. They came out today and took measurements and everything, showed me a stack of photos (actually he had box) of photos from other projects and he's retiring as a fireman. I even let him know upfront, I ain't paying all at once, and shared what my previous contractor told me it would cost to do. His reply? "oh we can beat that. Just let us prove to you our work, work with us a little at a time, pay in segments as the job is completed".....yeah music to my ears. I'm cheating on my contractor of 3 years....Its over! YOU"RE FIRED! Also firing my GARBAGE MAN! Takin out my own DANG GARBAGE! Told that fool to do one simple job and made the mistake of paying him $40 upfront for the job of filling in a whole in front of the next lot with pebbles. I normally never do that but i figure, he's here practicallly every day for the past year. So i give him the money. Day 1, job partially finished. He used junk and bricks mix to fill in the whole. Final step is to just go get the rocks and lay it over. Day 4....nobody....GARBAGE DAY....nobody.... A whole week later, he comes back, 'do you have any garbage?". I looked at him like you must be off your rocker. Without saying a word, i look at the job he didn't finished and asked, what is that? "Oh i'm going to do it. Its hard work getting those rocks." (your point is what?). As in the words of Seeley, "you do right by me", YOU AIN'T GETTING ANOTHER D**** DIME! I took out my own DANG GARBAGE! AND I called my old garbage man back who just got out of jail for not payin child support! There's ALWAYS BACKUP! "FIX IT!", as best said by Olivia (in Scandal). I'm spring cleanin crackheads, spring cleanin! Out with the old contractor and garbage man, in with the new!

This is me after I talk to my high priestess to VENT (jackie!) LOL

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