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I Slaved All Day for you for WHAT?

Maybe because its Friday, I had to laugh at this titile! LMBO!

'keep it together nonya'....

I knew it was going to end on a sour note but i wasn't sure how tonight would play out to tell you the truth. As a professional scheduler of AIRBNB, I realize that when you have more than 3 people in a group that accepts your reservation in Englewood, there is an 85% chance it will be a cancellation. The number goes up higher when there are more in the group simply because the true traveller finds the reviews and area exciting although the 'fake' friends question that person's sanity when they step into the area. But thats understandable. Still you will pay costly for your mistake.

Well tonight was nothing special sorta.

I already had 4 Brazillians and 1 guy from Sri Lankin check in a couple of days ago. These countries to me were places where i thought...'they will stay simply because these countries are on the cray cray list too'. But it was the guy from Sri Lankin who ask me, 'is it safe? when i was taking them to the train. Good thing I didn't say what was on my mind like, 'Here's some tampads, grow a pair of balls'...or 'its 5 of you, really?' or...'You're from Sri Lanka...rapist capital?' Cause I kept remembering my friend in Italy who speaks Sri Lankin and says that the number one problem in that country is sexual assault.

But nooooooo... I didn't say that. The only words I uttered was, 'when you are in a city of millions of people, how safe do you think you will be?' The Brazillians seemed to agree with me.

Now shush boy and move on.

But thats NOT the reason for this blog.

South Korea.

Now I've had MANY South Koreans stay here and i love them to death. My sisters is in S. Korea and has been there 3 years. I even tried to learn the language by taking a whole year of language classes twice a week. So what I am about to say do not reflect the opinion of the Ghetto Girl Blog...#disclaimer

!!! These 5 south koreans sucked big time!!!

They booked four folks and asked later if they could add one more to the mix and pay that person when they get to the house. I said no problem. But I knew. It was past my 3 person rule. They will cancel. But I still entertained their fantasy.

The night before, they emailed me and stated that they will be coming at 12 - 1 a.m. I wasn't sure if they are speaking based on american terminology or what. So i asked, '1 past midnight?' ...'yes', they replied.

No problem. I re-arranged people since this weekend was going to be 20 plus folks with the Koreans.

Midnight (Day of Arrival) - Still waiting to hear from guest Korea group. No word.

1 a.m. - No word

2 a.m. - Ok, now i'm thinking....really? Its to late for you to cancel. You're driving from Arkansas and you should really be tired. Tell me something. I spent alllll night moving folks around so that if I assumed that this group is all girls, then I don't want them to be in the room with the 6 guys. So I texted them, 'When do you expect to arrive? And how many girls and guys are you?'.

Normally I wouldn't ask that question but Asia are a little more fundamental on the sexes sleeping in separate rooms and i respect that. No hanky panky. So i'm always looking to put 2 Asians of any kind in my bed or the King size bed instead of 2 air mattresses so that they would be more comfortable since there are other places for me to sleep.

But then they replied, 'we should be there around 3 a.m. and there are 3 girls 2 guys'.

Ok. So I situated all the guys to be in one room of the attic and the 3 girls to take MY BED and added an air mattress on the girls area. I thought it was a good situation since if they told me earlier, I could have put them in the main floor.

I promise you that when they called to say that they were in front of my house (THE WRONG HOUSE AND THE WRONG BLOCK) which took another 40 minutes for them to drive 2 miles an hour for which i said, 'GET BACK INTO YOUR CAR, YOU ARE ON THE WRONG BLOCK." They cut me off, and didn't arrive until 4:15 am.

Now my thought when they got out of the car like molasseis are trippin. You are 4 hours WAY late, will be waking up other guests and you need to move your aces so i can go to bed!

But like snails, they crawled out of the car.

So I explained before they went upstairs so as not to disturbed everybody else, I explained where each will be sleeping...2 by the window (guys) and 3 (girls) on the other side of the chimney unless they want to split up and 2 girls can sleep in the lower bunk on the main floor.

They clearly had the look of 'ok'....before we went upstairs.

Full speed ahead? NOTTTT! By the time I left the attic, I a pregnant women in labor in PUSH STAGE...I knew...this is going to be long night. The Brazillians were still up since they had just got home an hour before them. One of the Brazillian held out his hand to the Korean guy and the Korean guy had no reach. Just looked at him.

By the time I put my first foot on the step, heading back downstairs after explaining where to go and what to do, I looked back and yeah....there was that look. It was that, 'GET ME OUTTA HERE' look from all 5 of them huddled in the small girlie chimney area.

But i ignored it! heheeh Like in a snow motion, I could see myself turning away laughing and saying to myself, 'really? its 4 in the morning and you don't want to sleep first before doing the stupid thing like leaving??"

So I went to the living room with my remnant of Vodka and orange juice since i hadn't had a drink in 3 days and its friday night. I'm on the daybed peepin over the handle to see where these crackheads are coming down the staircase one at a time.

It's 4:45 in the freakin morning and they are roaming thru the house like freakin cattle.

I popped my head up over the couch arm and surprised one of them.

I asked, 'you need something'?"

They were looking thru the house like they were in search of Ben Ladin. I wanted to say, 'they caught him!' Startled, the guy was like, 'no....just the bathroom!"

I thougth...yeah right. How can you mistake the toilet for anything else?

Then the next person and the next came downstairs.


Go ahead and graze the land... i'm thinkin.... but you aint gettin your money back.

So I take my last sip of orange juice with my Don King hair and go into the kitchen with the every ready colligen girl putting on her facial on the kitchen sink while Barbie #2 was in the bathroom.

I tried to strike up a conversation, even raising the fact that my sisters in Korea. And for the record, Koreans, THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS THAT NORTH KOREA IS OFF LIMITS SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO SAY SOUTH KOREA! LOL As if we didn't watch a day of news in our life.

Anyway, I retreated back to the living room area because i thought, "this is a lost cause to save them from losing $200!"

And there it was...the question from the guy....

"Nonya, I think we would like to cancel because these are girls..."


Ok..That statement right there was a red flag. Normally, Asians will let me know UP FRONT that they are interested in being in a all girls room and I will let them know up front that it will or will not be a co-ed room. This group didn't.

In fact, I told the guy when he brought it up, I said, "You know, I understand Asian guests. Truly. I have a sister thats has been in S. Korea for the past 3 years. When any Asian guest contact me, the first concern from the girls is 'will there be any guys in the room'".

That's when I can answer yes or no.

Continuing, I said, "But this group never mentioned none of that. In fact, It was me that texted you after midnight to ask you how many girls and guys will be arriving? If I had known earlier (like when you booked), I would have moved folks around easily. But you made no mention of this. Do you understand what I am saying to you?'.

He nodded his head yes but his girlfriend was standing there so he tried to persist in the conversation. I was laughing on the inside. My thinking while he was nodding his head was, 'you had no problem renting one room with your girlie friends when you thought it was you both guys with your three girl friends. The american dream of 'sex in the city'! for $13 a night! But now there is competiion! Brazil! If you were so concerned with their 'virginity' you would have asked for separate rooms or even mentioned that there were girls involved BEFORE YOU CAME!! SOO NOOOO REFUND TO YOU PERVERT!

Even though they knew that the Brazilians were leaving in one night, this guy was not having it!

The whole time, I'm dying lauging on the inside.

So I got sneaky too.

There was one bed in the room available that they didn't take. I went in there to hide. Because I knew they wanted to leave but like cowards, they would wait till i was sleep. So i made it easy for them. I left the room guarding the front door.

Like racoons scurring for food, they were out of here!

I ACTUALLY thought it was only 1 person that left when i saw the light of the car from the side of the house from one of the bedrooms. Literally, THEY DROVE LIKE SNAILS COMING TO THE HOUSE! One car was trying to get around them and I thought for an instance, that car will shoot them if they don't move their aces.

But from the moment i went into that room, took 2 sips of my drink and saw the lights in the window....I thought...theres NO WAY THEY ALL MOVED THAT FAST with alll their bags to downstairs. I heard fast footsteps but NO DRAGGING BAGS OR ANYTHING!

In disbelief, I went upstairs and sure enough....all the bags were gone and the beds were not touch.

Never let it be said that Koreans don't have skills cause I didn't see that one coming. I laughed a good while when i saw the car gone. The reason I said I 'slaved' all day was that I washed and mored so much laundry for the 3 girls just to be in one spot that i was like, 'you don't appreciate me?' LOL Putting a condom over blankets (duvet) is no easy task! heheheeh Butttt I guess when you have a one day payoff as that, I can't complain....huh?

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