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Everybody Hide! ggHilton got BIG BUGS AND NAKED PEOPLE.

EVERYBODY HIDE! ggHilton GOT BIG BUGS, NAKED PEOPLE AND GUNS...oh wait......he's talking about my place? LOL

Did those angry North koreans just lied on the review? LMBOOO!!!!! I'm naming them North Korea because nothing that ugly came from South Korea!

I have to say, its the little things in life that makes laugh out loud. The following review was made by 5 N. Korean guests from another website. I guessed they were a little pissed because their were some hot guys from Brazil in the other room that would be sharing the SHARED room with them and may steal their ladyfolks! Now I made and always make special effort to separate the girls from the boys (especially girls from Asia and Muslim countries). But these crackheads thought they were going to come up in here and have an orgy at $13 a night! So when they came, 5 hours late after midnight (5 am) and doing the nosy thing instead of taking their butts to bed since they drove for 13 hours, they were a bit miffed that they couldn't get their refund. To me, they owed me $65 since I blocked the extra person without payment.

I get a text, 'you better give me my refund. Remember me, I came Saturday?'

"No I don't remember you". What i remember is some slow bunnies coming Sunday MORNING when I missed my sleep signal!

After going back and forth on the text, North Korea said, "if you don't give me my money, I make bad review of you".

You go ahead kimosabe....make bad review. I make cookies.

"I'm looking forward to it", I replied.

So here is the review,

"Never go to this house. The place of house is the most dangerous province in U.S. The house is really dirty and many big bugs. The smell is really bad and there are almost 10 naked people in a small room. Don't believe the picture. I don't know how many people stay there. There are many old rooms which I didn't enter. And you never get a refund from Nonya. I saw people who came to me with a gun. Never go to this house. I am sure that your life is batter than cheap price. I log in Wimdu to notice this truth. Find the other site. It is the best way to enjoy your chicago trip."

Just couldn't help but laugh. I was like, 'what movie did he watch to get that?" Awwww shucks, he say that about every American home. lol

So I replied, and I have to admit, it's hard to write a reply when you're laughing to hard.

"I'm not going to resort to the outrageous lies that I couldn't help but laugh at...bugs, guns? Naked people? Wow. Heck why don't you throw in cowboys and indians, meth labs. Go big on the lie. (Go big or go home!) The truth they came late 5 hours late past midnight (5 a.m. in the morning), had me waiting alll night with their slow and bad driving. They were mad because they thought they would get the whole room to themselves to be with their sex toys and/or girlfriends. They didn't read the first line in the paragraph that said this is a shared room. Once they came to the house, instead of just preparing to go to bed after a long drive, they started just poking around in the dark into every area they could 'sneakingly'. So future host beware. It was so bad that i had to get up from where i was sleeping to ask them if they were lost. I didn't know what they were looking for since they were a floor away from their room. I wasn't sure if they were there to rob my place or what. But whatever the reasons, I felt so unsafe with them that I stayed up to make sure that I would inform the other guests in the house to keep their belongings close to them. There were 5 of them although they booked for 4. I guess when they discovered that there was really nothing to steal, they decided to leave within 30 minutes of their arrival. I thought to myself, IF they were on the road for 13 hours driving like they said they were, then why did they not seem tired? Why didn't they just rest for the night? Why were they roaming thru the house in the a.m. instead of going from the bathroom to the room? And why did they leave in a haste. Very glad I had other guests in the house. But i don't need them to protect me. After all, according to 'Sung's story, there are naked people and people with guns and big bugs in the house. LMBOOOO!"

Ahhhh mannn, you can't make this stuff up. Gotta love it.

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