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"I want you to go get the switch off the tree so I can beat your behind!"....these are the words I hear echo in my head when a guest made me want to beat him. The brazilian had a towel on and said he wanted to put his clothes on in my shower room. I told him he couldn't take a shower in there but if you want to change ok. Then I yelled, 'don't you pee in my shower!'. He then came upstairs with the same towel wrapped around his behind! I asked "why didn't you get dress? What were you doing in the shower? You better not had taken a shower!" He just laughed. So then I asked/yell, 'DID YOU PEE IN MY SHOWER?" Still no answer! Mississippi came in and said, 'HE PEE'd in the SHOWER!" I said, 'no he didn't...DID YOU?" Then he apologized. Thats when i went off. I told him to come downstairs RIGHT NOW! He followed behind apologizing. "I WANT YOU TO USE THIS BRUSH, THIS AND THAT CLEANER AND YOU SCRUBBED THAT FLOOR AND WALLS!"

This dummy started pretend he don't speak no english. He kept saying he will he will. I said, "NO YOU WILL DO IT RIGHT NOW! AND SHE (Mississippi) is going to WATCH YOU DO IT!" (cause I had to go to Midway airport). Then he shut the shower door when i went up stairs. Mississippi came upstairs to tell me, 'He shut the door. I can't see him clean it." I went back downstairs and his friend stopped me at the stairs and said, 'we will we will. I apologize. Im so sorry!" I started yelling back at him to. So now i'm clearly off the meds! So I rushed out. I'm driving to the airport and it hit me. I called Mississippi and said, " YOU tell them this...IF YOU DON'T WATCH HIM CLEAN THAT SHOWER, THE WALLS, THE FLOOR, THE MAT THE WAY I WANT IT, THEY DON'T EAT ANOTHER ***#** OF MY FOOD!"

I came home. She said, 'when i told them that, his 3 friends all came out to watch with her and made sure he cleaned everything even making suggestions. He was mad."

Thats right. You speak english now don't you!

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