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I Dare You Mr. London

My guest from London guest just received three free days. I normally offer anybody free days if they walked close to President Obama' house by the secret service, they would receive three free days. Thats the good news. The bad might get kicked out of the country.

Well he took the challenge.

Like a good general he walked behind two spanish speaking women and two guys. The women, when walking close to the secret service, were speaking in English. London was walking with them...kinda. When they got to the barrier, the Secret Service guy confronted them to turn around. The women suddenly said, "no english, no english!' There were two other guys, but they separated from the two girls and carried some conversation with secret service when they came closer to the gate. Finally London was confronted by secret service when he walked up past the girls closer to the barrier gate. At that time Secret Service told him to leave the premises. He said that they were not looking at him friendly. So he turned away. This was the farthest any of my guests had gone before. So therefore he has earned his three days free days. Thats the good news. Unfortunately he won't get it until he come back to the states. Awwwww

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