To Be or Not To Be ........Insulted
So Im minding my business, doing some homework and i get an instant message on Whatsapp from a guest that came over this last summer. Either this is a perfect example 1) communication gap between cultural division, 2) Misapplication of the english language or 3) Plain Dumb ‘Ace’. I’ve been told I misunderstood people and I think I’m going to let you all be the judge. I copied the conversation word for word. At the end, I would appreciate if you tell me what category do you think Beevis THE Butthead fit in.
BUTT HEAD: hey how are you
Nonya: Hi there. Your name?
BUTT HEAD: Butthead! (not real name)
BUTT HEAD: what are you doing
Nonya: Chilling
BUTT HEAD: I want to tell you something. Last summer I reserved your room via airbnb. but over there is terrible
Nonya: Okkkk
BUTT HEAD: and you are fake
Nonya: Okkkkk
BUTT HEAD: are you fake
BUTT HEAD: i saw you but you dont look like ur profile pic
Nonya: Perhaps it’s you who are fake? If you paid me, sure....i could put on my normal wear. My job is not to glam up for the likes of you. Do you feel better that you got that of your chest?
BUTT HEAD: it is not about your outfit or somethng like that. i feel unsecure over there . all people are very awfull
Nonya: Sounds to me that you have some personal issues with interactions
Nonya: If all the people were awful
BUTT HEAD: people in phone store said, this neighborhood fcked up in illinois. they steal lots of things .
BUTT HEAD: 2 guys in store were good
BUTT HEAD: maybe you
BUTT HEAD: but this picture dont look like you
BUTT HEAD: if u use your pic. i would feel safe
Nonya: Exactly how do you feel that my look is going to make you feel safe?
BUTT HEAD: your picture and you isn’t same person
Nonya: As for neighborhood that can be said about any part of chicago
Nonya: Whatever makes you sleep at night
BUTT HEAD: they told about south chicago . and i think true
Nonya: You think? Guess what...i think a person who’s name is BUTT HEAD are pschos....but that doesnt make it true. You should see things for yourself before passing judgment in general
Nonya: But to linger on a short experience you had for the rest of your life is a waste of time. You have one life.
BUTT HEAD: no . i just talking. i dont think about it
Nonya: Evidently you do. Otherwise you wouldn’t be contacting me. You could simply had made a review and moved on with your life
BUTT HEAD: i just improve english. so i start to conversation with people in whatsapp
BUTT HEAD: why are u angry
Nonya: Im angry? 1. Not angry. Dont allow random nobodies to get under my skin. 2. You called me...i guess to say how fake and unsecure u are. 3. Im only engaging in your feeble conversation because its cold outside and im bored. You just given me something to post on my facebook and i thank u for that
BUTT HEAD: dont get me wrong
Nonya: ?
BUTT HEAD: i didnt say a racist thing
Nonya: What part do i have wrong?
Nonya: Did i say that you were a racist?
BUTT HEAD: i am not talking about your skin of course
BUTT HEAD: why you share me in ur facebook
Nonya: Theres a difference between racism and ignorant...maybe not
Nonya: Getting under the skin is a figure of speech
BUTT HEAD: actually i like black women
Nonya: Rightttt
Nonya: Getting under my skin means that you irritate me.
Nonya: But you cant get under my skin if i have no feelings about your opinions either way
BUTT HEAD: ok 🏻 i get it
Nonya: Which i dont. Simply curious as to your reason for contact
BUTT HEAD: i said i like black women
Nonya: Good for you
BUTT HEAD: do you have boyfriend
Nonya: None of your bizniz
BUTT HEAD: hmm ok
BUTT HEAD: people in usa usually dont reply like that. i just saw you
Nonya: You know, if this is your way of getting a girlfriend by insulting are going to be a lonely guy.
Nonya: No....usa women dont like being approached by ignorant men
Nonya: You actually expect me to answer personal questions about myself after you called me fake
BUTT HEAD: you get me wrong. i am not insulting . why you said this ?
Nonya: Really?
Nonya: You see none of the above conversation as insulting?
Nonya: Where you from?
BUTT HEAD: i just said your profiles fake.
BUTT HEAD: not you
Nonya: Still an insult
Nonya: Where you from
BUTT HEAD: can you tell me insulting reason?
BUTT HEAD: serbia
Nonya: Ahhhhh
Nonya: Ok
Nonya: Country of cavemen
BUTT HEAD: i dont hurt anybody.
BUTT HEAD: you passing judgement in general
Nonya: Yeah....see how it works...If i was to listen to everything the media said, i would conclude that your entire country are women haters, with no respect for decency and are all terrorist....then judge my whole belief about serbia based on my one conversation with you
Nonya: Thats exactly what you did when you spoke of the south side of things you hear from the corner store to sum up an entire area
BUTT HEAD: it is just like racism
Nonya: Yup exactly
BUTT HEAD: you are racist ?
Nonya: And you didnt realize you were doing it
BUTT HEAD: i am not ...
BUTT HEAD: ok i reliazed anymore
Nonya: I only said cavemen and the following comment to prove my point
Nonya: I have serbian friends thank god....they are nothing like you
BUTT HEAD: there is a lot of prove about south chicago. but i dont tell you :),
Nonya: ?
BUTT HEAD: i love all chicago :)
Nonya: How much of the south side did you see
BUTT HEAD: i stayed one hotel at south chicago . it is at 5-6. stop with metro
BUTT HEAD: genereally people i met in downtown think like me
Nonya: Generaly people downtown dont go south. The south side goes all the way to 147th street and 70 percent of the south side is middle class to upper class residents. There are pockets of low income residents like englewood...but its all over the city. But being from serbia, u would know best
BUTT HEAD: residents were very good
Nonya: The only hotels on the south side are primarily by the airport
BUTT HEAD: o check hotel i stayed
Nonya: Not necessary.
BUTT HEAD: i cant remember its name
Nonya: Im going to be leaving now. I have some preparations to do....get ready for my new guests
BUTT HEAD: great.. 🏻 same day i can reservation again
Nonya: Reserve where?
Nonya: Here?
Nonya: Thats not going to happen
BUTT HEAD: i stayed south holland hote
BUTT HEAD: 1 night
Nonya: Thats the suburbs
BUTT HEAD: i did not say like that. you said now
Nonya: I want you to take this conversation to a friend u have in the usa. Read them the conversation word for word and ask them if you were being insulting
Nonya: Good day
BUTT HEAD: you get me wrong . soryy :)
Nonya: Maybe i did or didnt. Until u figure that cant come back here
BUTT HEAD: why ,?
Nonya: Dont want you to keep feeling unsecure about the area or my face
BUTT HEAD: i like your face. :) it is true i cant feel secure over there.
BUTT HEAD: so i cant go back there again